What do you mean by the trademark cancellation review pending trial?
when the trademark office inquires about a trademark, it finds the trademark? Trademark deregistration review pending? , what does it mean here that the O trademark is deregistered and pending review? How to revoke the registered trademark review. Here's the answer for you: the trademark owner filed an application to cancel the trademark for three consecutive years. After the Trademark Office made a decision, the trademark owner refused to accept it, and he could file a trademark cancellation review with the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board. The above trademark shows that it has entered the review of the cancellation of trademark registration, which proves that the review submitted by this trademark has entered the trial procedure. Re-examination of cancellation of registered trademark: if a trademark registrant refuses to accept the cancellation of its registered trademark by the Trademark Office, he shall apply to the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board for re-examination according to law, and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall make a final decision. 1. The applicant for reexamination of the revocation of a registered trademark shall be the original registrant whose trademark has been revoked by the Trademark Office. 2. The reexamination of selling registered trademarks does not include the trademarks that have been revoked in the dispute ruling and improper registration ruling. Trademark revocation