There is a reason why Putian shoes can develop to such a large scale. Every year, 6 million pairs of shoes are sent from Putian to all parts of the world. Before, when China was not developed, the labor force in China was particularly cheap, and the raw materials were also particularly cheap compared with other regions. Adidas and Nike also valued this point, so they set up factories here, and some companies signed agreements with manufacturers in China to help them with processing. At that time, most of the factories were in Putian. Later, China developed, and the labor force was no longer cheap. Those manufacturers felt that the cost in China had increased, so they moved these factories to poor India. Although they went to India, their technology and equipment stayed in Putian, and the manufacturers in Putian also valued these interests and continued to produce, so the fake shoes in Putian formed a scale.
the production process of Putian shoes is exactly the same as the genuine ones, and the raw materials and techniques are almost the same. Putian shoes are fake shoes because they are not authorized by companies like Adidas and Nike, and they have no registered trademarks. Because there are almost no flaws in the production, it is difficult to tell the true and false of Putian shoes.
In order to resist fakes and the popularity of QR codes, many manufacturers now add QR codes to shoes, but this can't resist Putian's footsteps. If you upload the QR code, we will fake the QR code, and the QR code inside Putian shoes can also be scanned out. The scanned content also shows the price and production area. Of course, this information is all fabricated.
How real can Putian be? It can confuse the genuine products, and sometimes it is even better than the quality of the genuine products. Once I bought a pair of air in Nike store, but I was angry that the air cushion was only half. One of my classmates bought Putian for 3 yuan, and the air cushion effect was particularly good. Some franchises are also because Putian shoes can't be opened, so they are sold half and half of Putian shoes and genuine products. Therefore, we may also buy fakes in the monopoly at ordinary times.