Regionality refers to trademark rights obtained in accordance with the laws of a country. Unless an international convention or bilateral treaty is signed, it can only be valid within the territory of that country. Other countries do not protect such rights. obligations, that is, no extraterritorial effects will occur.
Trademark rights obtained in accordance with the laws of a country, unless signed with an international convention or bilateral treaty, can only be valid within the territory of that country. Other countries have no obligation to protect such rights, that is, no Extraterritorial effects occur. This is another important legal feature that distinguishes it from tangible property.
According to this characteristic, intellectual property rights acquired under the laws of a country are only protected by law within the territory of that country, and are not protected by the laws of that country in other countries, unless there is bilateral knowledge between the two countries. Intellectual property rights protection agreement, or *** has participated in international conventions related to the protection of intellectual property rights.
The humanistic nature of the region
When people study the regional characteristics of a place, they first value the humanistic nature. Humanity becomes an important attraction for people to study a place. It can be said that wherever human consciousness goes and is related to real material existence, it predicts one or more possible humanities to some extent. Regional cultural characteristics are mainly based on the profound connotation of humanistic elements based on natural conditions.
Therefore, another outstanding feature of the region is its distinctive humanistic nature. Otherwise, all human activities will be meaningless. Just like various non-conscious objects that are born with no reason to exist in the world. Therefore, from this perspective, the humanistic nature of a region is the relatively scientific consciousness behavior embodied by human beings. It includes material or immaterial actions.