1. The trademark is exclusive, and its words and graphics shall not be arbitrarily adapted after approval and registration; Commodity decoration is not special, and it does not need to be registered. It can be changed and improved at any time according to the market sales situation.
2. Trademark patterns focus on distinctiveness, so as to achieve the purpose of distinguishing different producers and operators; Decoration focuses on rendering and beautifying goods to arouse aesthetic feeling and desire for demand.
3. Trademarks are not allowed to be the same as the contents of goods. For example, oranges are not allowed to be used as trademarks of canned oranges, but the decoration is different. The oranges on the decoration indicate that the cans are filled with oranges, not other items.
Commodity decoration is the decoration on the packaging of commodities, and its function is to explain or beautify commodities, which is different from trademarks as special marks to distinguish the sources of commodities. Some goods, such as canned food, wine, snacks, candy, etc., have obvious differences between their trademarks and commodity decoration, which is easy to distinguish. In addition, some commodities, such as cigarettes, soap, batteries, etc., consumers are used to identifying commodities according to their packaging patterns. In other words, the pattern of the whole package plays the role of marking. Therefore, it is both a decoration and a trademark.