Cigar (English: Cigar) is a kind of cigarette, which is made of dried and fermented tobacco. When smoking, one end of the cigarette is lit, and then the smoke generated by puffing is sucked out at the other end. The main producers of cigar tobacco are China, Brazil, Cameroon, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Indonesia, Mexico, Nicaragua and the United States. Cigars made in Cuba are generally regarded as the best among cigars.
2. The darker the cigar leaves, the sweeter and richer the taste, and the higher the oil content and sugar content of eggplant coat. The color of eggplant coat is sometimes concentrated, which can be roughly divided into seven grades: blue-brown, also known as American market selection, or AMS or Candela for short. Only when the tobacco leaves are harvested before maturity and dried quickly will the leaves be this color, which is light, almost tasteless and contains a small amount of oil.
3. Taste: Cigars are different from cigarettes. Their smoke smell is very small, usually some fermented tobacco and other flavors. Some good cigars, especially those from early Cuba to 1990, have almost no smoke smell. Some common flavors include the following: leather spice cocoa/chocolate peat/Mu Si/earth coffee nut apple vanilla peach.
4. This Law is formulated for the purpose of implementing tobacco monopoly management, organizing the production and operation of tobacco monopoly products in a planned way, improving the quality of tobacco products, safeguarding the interests of consumers and ensuring the national fiscal revenue. ?
5. Tobacco monopoly products refer to cigarettes, cigars, cut tobacco, redried tobacco leaves, tobacco leaves, cigarette paper, filter rods, cigarette tows and special machinery for tobacco. Cigars, cigars, cut tobacco and redried tobacco leaves are collectively called tobacco products.
6. Tobacco leaves refer to flue-cured tobacco and famous sun-cured tobacco needed for the production of tobacco products. The list of famous sun-cured tobacco shall be stipulated by the department of tobacco monopoly administration in the State Council. Other sun-cured tobacco not listed in the list of sun-cured tobacco can be sold in the fair trade market. Cigarettes, cigars and packaged cut tobacco must apply for trademark registration. Without approval and registration, it may not be produced or sold. It is forbidden to produce and sell tobacco products that counterfeit the registered trademarks of others.
7. Whoever engages in the retail business of tobacco products without a tobacco monopoly retail license shall be ordered by the administrative department for industry and commerce to stop the retail business of tobacco products, confiscate the illegal income and impose a fine. Those who produce and sell cigarettes, cigars and packaged cut tobacco without registered trademarks shall be ordered by the administrative department for industry and commerce to stop production and sales and be fined. Whoever produces or sells tobacco products with counterfeit registered trademarks of others shall be ordered by the administrative department for industry and commerce to stop the infringement, compensate the infringed for the losses and may also be fined; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law. ?
8. Whoever, in violation of regulations, illegally prints trademarks of tobacco products shall be destroyed by the administrative department for industry and commerce, and the illegal income shall be confiscated and a fine shall be imposed. Reselling tobacco monopoly products, which constitutes a crime of speculation, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law; If the circumstances are minor and do not constitute a crime, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall confiscate the tobacco monopoly products and illegal income, and may also impose a fine. Any staff member of the department of tobacco monopoly administration or tobacco company who takes advantage of his position to commit the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be given a heavier punishment according to law.
9. Determine whether you own cigars or sun-dried cigarettes. You must apply for a tobacco monopoly license to sell cigars.