Under normal circumstances, trademark registration first requires the customer to submit relevant information. After that, an individual or agency is required to help you search for the trademark, which is usually free of charge. After the inquiry, the substantive stage of trademark application is entered. The registrant is required to provide registration information, a business license of a self-employed person or an enterprise, and the specific identity authentication information of the applicant. In addition, a trademark application form needs to be filled in. Under normal circumstances, this is done by a trademark agency. After preparing all the materials and paying a certain fee, you can submit it to the Trademark Office. Normally, you will receive a trademark acceptance notice in about 10 days. The entire process can also be handled by individuals, but you need to apply to the Trademark Office yourself. Nowadays, it is done by professional agencies. China Trademark Supermarket is an intellectual property service platform owned by Zhongxiruan Group, and it should be okay.