If you want to own a Class 6 trademark, you can apply to register or purchase a trademark. Trademark registration means that the applicant conceives his or her own trademark pattern, applies for a name, etc. So, if you purchase a trademark, what are the steps to purchase a six-category trademark, and what materials do you need to prepare?
For the six categories of trademarks, the trademark transfer steps are roughly divided into four steps:
The first step is to determine the category and situation of the target trademark to be transferred. Regarding the categories of transferred trademarks, the Trademark Law stipulates that identical or similar trademarks on identical or similar goods shall be transferred together. Some trademarks do not need to be transferred together. You can apply for cancellation of unnecessary trademarks while handling the transfer.
The second step is to submit the trademark transfer application documents to the Trademark Office. Transfer application documents include: trademark transfer application, transferor and transferee's subject qualification certification materials, etc.
The third step is review and verification by the Trademark Office. After the Trademark Office examines the trademark transfer application, the auditors may require the trademark transfer contract and other materials, and the verification time is 6-10 months.
The fourth step is to approve the transfer and announce it. The Trademark Office will approve trademark transfer applications that are deemed to comply with legal requirements and issue a "Transfer Approval Confirmation". Trademark transfer takes effect from the date of approval announcement.
Now that you know the steps to purchase six categories of trademarks, what other materials do you need to prepare?
1. Trademark agency power of attorney signed or stamped by the trademark transferee;
2. Trademark transfer application signed or stamped by the trademark transferor and transferee;
3. Copy of the trademark transferee’s business license (legal person)/ID card (natural person). Self-employed registration certificate;
4. Copy of business license (legal person)/ID card (natural person)
5. Copy of trademark registration certificate/acceptance notice;
6. Trademark transfer agreement signed or sealed by the transferor and transferee, generally within 5 days Completed within working days. After the fair is completed, the customer can use the trademark and the customer must determine the balance.
Direct access to trademark supermarket: Class 6 trademark transfer