Trademarks are used by producers and operators of goods on the goods they produce, manufacture, process, select or distribute, or by service providers on the services they provide, to distinguish goods or services. Source, a sign with distinctive characteristics consisting of words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, sounds, colors, or a combination of the above elements. So what are the flow chart and conditions for trademark application?
In short, it is to allow consumers to distinguish the patterns, names or sounds of other businesses. Currently, China does not require compulsory registration of trademarks. However, due to the huge number of enterprises operating in China, registered trademarks are "exclusive" and "exclusive" (the registrant of a trademark has exclusive rights to his or her registered trademark, and no one else is allowed to do so). Unauthorized use of a trademark that is identical or similar to a registered trademark on the same or similar goods or services). Therefore, if an operator does not register a trademark, it will be difficult to protect and safeguard trademark rights. The following is the trademark application flow chart:
The currently common types of trademark registration are:
1. Individual pattern trademarks, such as: Starbucks’ mermaid pattern (due to the requirements for online platform use, it is recommended After applying for a pattern, you need to register a word trademark to describe it to the platform and consumers).
2. Single Chinese trademark, for example: Tencent;
3. Single English trademark, for example: HUAWEI;
4. Combined trademark: it can be multiple Combinations include: graphics + Chinese + English, such as: cat pattern + TMALL + Tmall; Chinese + English, such as: Taobao + TAOBAO.COM, etc.;
5. Sound trademark: such as "Li Jiaqi" some time ago Trademark application for sound audio.
Since 2007, individual trademark applications require an individual license, and the applicant must be a self-employed person. Applications by enterprises, units or collectives require corresponding licenses or certificates.
Trademark registration application flow chart:
The review time for trademark registration applications has been shortened in recent years. Currently, it takes about 4-6 months from application to completion of review for a trademark. Trademark applicants can receive trademark registration certificates faster than before, but accordingly the number of trademark rejections has also increased significantly due to the need to speed up examination. Therefore, the search work before trademark application becomes more and more important.
What are the flow charts and conditions for trademark application? We have answered this question for you here.