Check the product packaging: The real Gree air conditioner packaging usually has complete product information and descriptions, including product model, specifications, production date, manufacturer address, contact number, etc. Check the product logo: Genuine Gree air conditioner product logos usually have clear trademarks and logos, and the location of the logo is also fixed.
Call Gree air conditioner manufacturer service hotline: 0756-2130315 to check the barcode. Both indoor and outdoor machines have 13-digit barcodes. There is a white strip with the model number and barcode on the left side of the machine inside. On the box connected to the power supply, the accessories are also model numbers. Open the casing and the compressor also has an 8-digit code.
Identify Gree air conditioners according to the following eight methods. Appearance inspection: Visually inspect each component of the air conditioner. They should be finely processed and the surface of the plastic parts should be smooth and even in color. The surface of electroplated parts should be smooth, without defects such as peeling, bottom exposure, scratches, etc.