Excuse me, who can tell me what should I do if my trademark is objected?
Hello, for the first time, according to the provisions of the Trademark Law, the State Trademark Office will send you a copy of the other party's trademark objection after raising a trademark objection to you, and your company can reply to the State Trademark Office within 30 days from the date of receiving the copy of the trademark objection; Secondly, the State Trademark Office will make a ruling. If you are not satisfied with this ruling, you can apply to the State Trademark Review and Adjudication Board for reexamination within 15 days after receiving the ruling. Third, this process involves many details. It is recommended to entrust a lawyer or a trademark agency to operate it, such as Yiwu professional trademark transfer and intellectual property rights. It has more than 10 years of experience and is trustworthy. trademark oppositions