Answer Registration is a legal act in which the owner of a registered trademark transfers his registered trademark to others according to his own will and uses it exclusively for his or her exclusive use in accordance with legal conditions and procedures. Registration licensing refers to a legal act in which the owner of a registered trademark authorizes others to use its registered trademark by signing a trademark license contract. Characteristics of registered trademark transfer: 1. The transfer of a registered trademark is a complete transfer rather than a partial transfer; 2. After the registered trademark is transferred, the transferee cannot use the goods (provide services) beyond the originally approved scope of use; 3. The transfer of the registered trademark is by the transferor The person and the transferee must submit a written application at the same time and it must be approved and announced by the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce; 4. The regulations do not stipulate the paid or gratuitous nature of the transfer; 5. The transfer of a registered trademark is a free transfer and not a restricted transfer. Characteristics of a registered trademark license: 1. The license to use a registered trademark is essentially an extension of the trademark user; 2. In the license, the rights and obligations of the licensor and the licensee are clear, that is, the licensor must supervise the licensee. The quality of the licensor's goods (or services), the licensee must ensure the quality of the goods (or services). The difference between registered trademark transfer and use license: 1. Registered trademark transfer is essentially a change of the subject of the trademark right; while use license is essentially an expansion of the trademark user. 2. During the transfer, the transferor no longer enjoys the trademark rights and has no obligation to supervise the quality of the transferee’s goods (or services); while during the license, the licensor continues to have the trademark rights and is responsible for supervising the licensee’s use of the trademark. Goods (or service) quality obligations. 3. The transfer of a registered trademark must be approved by the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce; and the license to use a registered trademark only requires signing a trademark license contract and filing it with the local industrial and commercial authority. 4. In the case of transfer, the transferee must meet the legal conditions; in the case of licensing, the conditions for the licensee are relatively loose. 5. In the transfer, the transferor transfers all the ownership, exclusive rights, transfer rights, license rights and legal action rights of the registered trademark to the transferee; in the license, the licensee only enjoys the right to use the license. 6. In a transfer, the transferee is free to decide the ownership and use right period of the trademark on the premise of complying with the ""; while in a license, the licensor and the licensee jointly determine the use of the trademark License period. Trademark Licensing Trademark Transfer