The clothes rack is a tool installed in the corridor or outside the corridor to dry clothes, and it is also a household item, so it will be more common in the home environment. Because of the clothes we usually wash, it is obviously necessary to make the sun shine evenly. Therefore, how to choose the category of the clothes rack trademark?
You can still get the correct information from the information found in the Encyclopedia of Trademark Classification, that is, the category where the trademark of the clothes rack is located is in the 21st category "216- Household Household and Sanitary Appliances-Clothes Rack 216; Laundry clothes rack 21126 ". Clothes racks are indeed items with high food consumption, and almost every household will use them.
In addition, many people may misunderstand some important points in trademarks, such as the "compulsory" behavior of trademark registration. Trademark is not compulsory to apply for registration. Except for some special categories, trademarks can be used in the market without registration and approval in time. It is only because such trademarks are not protected by law that such practices are less encouraged.
there are also corresponding categories of trademarks. The categories corresponding to different commodities are protected by law when they are approved. However, the legal protection is only the categories that apply for registration. Assuming that the commodities do not correspond to the registered categories, they correspond to the unregistered categories. At this time, even though the trademarks are registered, enterprises still cannot protect their own commodities, and there is even the danger of infringement.
suppose someone else has registered a trademark, and the similar trademark of this trademark can be registered in different categories. That is to say, apart from the full category protection of well-known trademarks, trademarks are separated in different categories and different categories are independent of each other. Even if other enterprises have registered trademarks in some categories, other enterprises in the remaining categories can still register similar trademarks.