Zhongpo Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Wuxing Township, Puyang County, Puyang City, Henan Province. The urban and rural classification code is 220, which means it is a village. The zoning code is 410928208211, and the first 6 digits of the resident ID number are 410928. The postal code is 457000, the long-distance area code is 0393, and the license plate number is Henan J. Zhongpo Village and Qian Wuxing Village, Wuxingji Village, Youfang Village, Dajing Village, Shifoying Village, Church Village, Lilou Village, Sulou Village, Shijun Village, Houpo Village, Sangyuan Village, and Zhanglou Village , Zhangwan Village, Mengzhai Village, Qianluzhai Village, Qiwangmiao Village, Yutun Village, Zhaozhai Village, Donggaocheng Village, Xigaocheng Village, Houluzhai Village, Li'an Village, Mazhai Village, Weizhai Village , Zhangzhai Village, Duzhai Village, Wangzhai Village, Geqiu Village, Xibali Village, Dongbali Village, Xiedian Village, Buffalo Village, Qiangudui Village, Hougudui Village, Dongyijing Village, Xiyijing Village , Yangang Village and Anzhai Village are adjacent.
Near Zhongpo Village are Zhanghui Park, Puyang Jesus Church, Puyang Four Archways, Puyang Catholic Church, Xishuipo Ruins, Luan Monument, Yujing and other tourist attractions. There are Taoyuan Jianmin chili peppers, Zhongyuan high-quality wheat, Puyang fish, Puyang peanuts, beef chili peppers and other specialties.