the rhythm can slightly follow the index, but the increase of entropy is useless and harmful.
the pace of a small town is more leisurely, and the reputation of a big country is innovating.
the sorrow of the vast universe is the same as the heat of death, and finally the leaves fall to the root.
more than p>1 years ago, American physicist Geoffrey West and others found that simple mathematical laws govern various attributes of a city-wealth, crime rate, walking speed and other aspects of the city can be calculated from one number: the population of the city. By showing the principle, he expounded the similarity law between biology and enterprise.
The horizontal axis is the population of millions of cities in Europe, and the vertical axis is the average walking speed. Whether people live in a big city or a small city, people spend an hour walking every day, but in a big city, people have to walk a lot, so they need to walk faster.
Similarly, the heartbeat times of mammals follow this simple law of nearly linear relationship. Whether it is a blue whale that can live for 75 years and weighs tens of tons, or a small hamster that weighs only 2 grams and can live for at most 3 years, it is about 1.5 billion times. The speed at which blood flows to capillaries is also fixed. If it is too fast, the oxygen in blood cannot be fully delivered to cells. This constant blood flow speed determines the number of beats per minute of the heart. Thus determining the life span of animals of different sizes. By the same logic, returning to the cellular level, the mechanism of DNA repair is the same in different animals, and the cells in human body will be completely updated every seven years. When renewing cells, it is inevitable to accumulate some copying errors in DNA, which determines that every individual will go to decline. However, in order to delay the systematic accumulation of errors, the effective method known at present is dieting. With fewer calories, the tolerance of cells containing errors will decrease.
according to Geoffrey West's formula, all measurable socio-economic variables in the city, from the number of patents to per capita income, follow the exponential growth of about 1.15. The size of this index is intriguing because it is greater than 1. This means that if a person lives in a metropolis with one million people, he will make 15% more patents and earn 15% more money on average than if he lives in a city with 5, people (and there will be 15% more restaurants and 15% more trademarks near them).
This correlation also exists in education, work experience and IQ. "This magical equation tells why people flock to big cities." West said, "Because the same person, as long as he moves from a city with 5, people to a city with 6 million people, will do three times as many things at once. No matter which city, you can't escape this rule. "
In urban life, the relationship between human inventions and population also follows the scaling rule of positive 5/4 index: if the population of a city is 1 times that of another city, then the total amount of inventions and creations is five-fourths of the latter's 1, that is, 17.8 times.
Theoretically, given other conditions, the larger the population, the more innovations and the faster the technological progress of a country. Moreover, the ratio of innovation to population is exponential, not simply proportional. There are two reasons: first, knowledge has important economies of scale and spillover effects in production; Second, knowledge is not exclusive in use.
The population of China is four times that of the United States, 1 times that of Japan, 2 times that of Britain and 165 times that of Switzerland. According to the exponential scaling law of knowledge creation, China's inventions should be 5.6 times that of the United States, 17.8 times that of Japan, 42.3 times that of Britain and 591 times that of Switzerland.
But the reality is that in the recent 5 years, China's contribution to the world in terms of invention and innovation is almost zero, not to mention that compared with the United States and Britain, we can't even reach a fraction of the Swiss. The Swiss also invented surgical forceps, electronic hearing AIDS, safety belts, plastic surgery, liquid crystal displays, and so on.
according to the statistics of Jack Challoner, a scholar at the British Science Museum, there were 1,1 major inventions that changed the world from the Paleolithic Age (2.5 million years ago) to the year 28, of which 3 were in China, accounting for 3%. These 3 items all appeared before 15, accounting for 18.4% of the 163 major inventions in the world before 15, and the last one was the toothbrush invented in 1498, which was also the only major invention in the Ming Dynasty. In the 5 years after 15, none of the 838 major inventions in the world came from China.
in the past 3 years, every important technology and product that supported the rapid economic growth of China was invented by others, not by ourselves. We are just arbitrageurs, not innovators. We just built a small attic on the building built by others. We have no reason to be arrogant!
It took Newton 3 years to discover gravity, and it took me three months to understand the law of gravity. If I claim that I have traveled Newton's path for 3 years in three months, you must feel ridiculous. If I laugh at Newton again, it only shows that I am too ignorant!