The price is about 2,000--5,000, depending on the local market
Labrador--sporting (suitable for hunting) dog group
Breed Standard Book
1. General Appearance and Performance
The Labrador Retriever is a strong-structured, medium-sized, slightly short (described below) dog. He has a sound, agile and perfectly balanced structure, giving him the instinct to be a retrieving gun dog ("Bird dog"). He has the nature and temperament to hunt waterfowl or terrestrial prey for long periods of time under various circumstances. It also has traits and characteristics suitable for competition and a temperament that can serve as a family companion dog. These physical and psychological traits are suitable for breeding into a retriever with a stable temperament that can cater for tracking work in different hunting environments.
Some of the Labrador's most distinguished features are its short, dense, weather-resistant coat; its otter-like tail; its broad skull and moderate forehead; The chiseled head; strong jaw; and friendly eyes convey character, understanding, and excellent temperament.
Based on the above, a Labrador must be well balanced so that it can move effortlessly on the playing field or while working in the fields. The appearance and qualities displayed by a representative Labrador are cultured and elegant, but not bulky and vulgar in physical terms. The Labrador was originally bred as a gun dog, so its structure and health are of paramount importance.
II. Size, proportion and substance
Size - the height of a male dog is 22 and a half inches to 24 and a half inches (57.15 cm~62.23cm),
Female dogs are between 21 and a half inches to 23 and a half inches (54.61cm~59.69cm). Anything over or under the standard half inch (1.27cm) is considered Disqualified. The weight is allowed within the standard range: 65 to 80 pounds (29.51kg~36.32kg) for male dogs; 55 to 70 pounds (24.97kg~31.78kg) for female dogs.
The minimum height range mentioned in the above article does not apply to male or female dogs less than twelve months old.
Proportion - Slightly short; means that for a single dog, it only means that his length is equal to or slightly longer than his height. The distance from the elbow to the ground and the distance from the elbow to the armor should be equal. The chest should extend to the elbows but not be significantly deeper. The body must be long enough to permit free and efficient strides in a straight line; but there should be no appearance of being both short and long, or of being tall and spindly-legged.
Texture – The meat and bones of the entire dog should be proportionate. A light and thin individual is a definite disadvantage; a relative disadvantage is a cumbersome and bulky individual. Labradors should be muscular and in working condition and not overweight.
Ginseng, Head
Cranium - The skull should be broad and well developed but not exaggerated. The skull and face (foreface or muzzle) should be on almost equal-length parallel planes, and there should be an appropriate forehead section. The forehead is slightly obvious, so the skull is not in a completely straight line with the nose. Then the brow bone helps to mark the forehead. The head should be clean-cut and free of cheeks; there should be no protrusions in the cheeks from the apparent skull structure below the eyes. The skull should have some midline (due to depression); in adult dogs, the occipital bone is not obvious. The lips should not be droopy or too tight, but should extend toward the throat. Therefore, a dog with a wedge-shaped head or a head that is too long and has a narrow muzzle and backbone is wrong, as is a dog with overly large cheeks. The jaw is strong and not rough; the muzzle is neither long and narrow nor short and thick.
Nose - The nose should be broad and the nostrils well developed.
The nose color of black and yellow Labradors should be black; while the nose color of chocolate-colored Labradors should be brown. Degraded nose color is a fault, and a completely pink nose or a nose that has lost its true color is a disqualification.
Teeth - The teeth should be strong and normal, with a scissors bite, with the lower teeth set back but in contact with the inner edges of the upper teeth. Horizontal incisors are permitted but not preferred. Poor engagement or exposed upper and lower teeth are serious errors. It is best if the dentition is complete; missing molars or small molars is a serious fault.
Ears—Ears should hang moderately close to the head, slightly above eye level, and slightly below the skull, well set back. The ears should not be overweight or large, but should be proportionate to the skull and reach the inner rim of the eyes when drawn toward them.
Eyes - Eyes should be friendly, intelligent and alert is a registered trademark of Labrador. The eyes are of medium size, well set, neither bulging nor deeply sunken. Eye color should be dark brown in black or yellow dogs; light brown or brown eyes in chocolate. Black or yellow eyes that appear too dazzling are undesirable. Dogs with black and yellow eyes are black, while chocolate is brown. No color in the eye sockets is a disqualification.
Si, Neck, Topline and Body
Neck - The neck should be of sufficient length to easily pick up prey. The neck should also be muscular, with strong shoulders and a moderate arch. A short, thick or ewe neck is a fault.
Topline - The back is strong and level from the temples to the buttocks when moving or standing. However, the waist should be flexible for movement.
Body—The Labrador is somewhat short, with well-curved ribs that taper to a moderately broad chest. The Labrador should not have a narrow chest resulting in a depression between the front legs, nor should it have an overly broad chest like a Bulldog. Proper chest structure is due to the end of the ribs between the forelegs allowing unrestricted swing of the forelimbs. Chest width that is too wide or too narrow is incorrect for efficient operation and kinetic energy. Individuals with flat chest sides are not typical of Labradors, and round and barrel chest shapes are also not acceptable. The underline is almost straight, with some or no tapering in the adult dog. The loin should be short, broad and powerful, extending into well developed and powerful hindquarters. When viewed from the side, the forechest appears well developed, but not excessive.
Tail - The tail is a distinctive feature. It should be very thick at the base of the tail joint and gradually taper towards the end. It should be medium in length but not longer than the ankle joint. The tail should be free of long feathers and should be entirely covered with short, dense fur. As a result, this unique and perfect expression is called the "Otter Tail." When quiet or when moving the tail should be carried along the level of the topline. It may convey excitement, but it should not be carried on the back. An extremely short or long thin tail is a serious fault. The tail is used to balance the line from the top of the head to the end of the tail. Tail docking or other errors that alter the length or nature of the tail will be disqualified.
W. Forequarters
The forequarters should be well muscled, coordinated and balanced with the hindquarters.
Shoulders—Shoulders should have good slope, length and upper carpal bones forming almost 90 degrees to allow for easy and powerful movement of the forelimbs. Ideally, the shoulder blades and upper carpal bones should be the same length. If the shoulder blade angle is too straight, the upper wrist bone is short or the shoulder muscles are too developed, they are detrimental to smooth movement and are not correct.
Front legs--(front legs) Viewed from the front, the legs should be straight and have strong bones. Bones that are too thick or too thin are undesirable. Individuals with short bones and thick bones are also atypical. Viewed from the side, the elbows should be just below the hump of the shoulder blades, and the forelegs should be perpendicular to the ground under the body. The elbows should be close to the ribs without being loose. Elbows that turn in or out that prevent smooth movement are serious disadvantages. The forepart should be strong, short and slightly sloping from the perpendicular to the leg (gt; 5?). The feet are strong and close together, with well-arched toes and well-developed toe pads. Dew claws can be removed.
Flared feet, rabbit feet, supernumerary knuckles, or feet that turn in or out are serious faults
Hound and hindquarters
A Labrador's hindquarters are wide. , muscular and fully developed, with well-shaped, short ankles from hip to ankle. Viewed from the rear, the hind legs are straight and parallel. Viewed from the side, the angle of the hind legs is balanced with that of the front legs. The hind legs are strong boned, muscular and well angulated at the stifle joint, coupled with strong, clearly defined thighs. The rear tie is strong and free of wobble when running or standing. Ideal balance of propulsion and traction is achieved through the angles of the posterior knee and ankle joints. When standing or walking, the ankle joint is firmly strong and fully lowered without slipping or overextending. When standing, the hind feet are only slightly behind the hips. A sloping topline resulting from an excessive angle is not typical. Hind feet strong and compact. Has well-arched toes and well-developed toe pads. It is absolutely untrue that bull ankles, flaring ankles, sickle ankles, and excessive angles are serious structural defects.
Qi, Coat
Coat is a characteristic of Labrador. It should be short, straight and very bushy, very thick to the touch. Labradors also have a soft undercoat to withstand the weather and provide protection from water, cold, and all ground cover. Slight wavy hair on the lower back is permissible. Downy coats, soft silky coats and small amounts of hair are non-canonical and should be considered serious violations.
8. Color
The color of the coat is black, yellow, and chocolate. Any other color or mottled color will be disqualified. Some white spots on the chest are permissible but not desirable. White hair caused by aging or damage will not be mistaken for white spots.
Black - refers to all black. Brindle or tan spots are a disqualification.
Yellow - means the color is somewhere between fox red and light cream, with slight differences in color on the ears, back and underpart of the dog.
Chocolate color—refers to chocolate color that can range from light to dark. Color spots or brown spots on the original color are also disqualifying.
Nine, step
The step should be brisk and smooth. When observing a dog, the elbows cannot be seen as he advances towards you. Rather, the elbows should blend neatly into the lines of the body, and the legs should not be too close together. Move forward in a straight line without swaying or pacing, and the footprints of your legs form two straight lines. When looking at the dog from behind, the movement of the hind legs should be almost parallel to the movement of the front legs. The back ankle should fully share the work and be well tucked in, showing forward momentum. When viewed from the side, the shoulders should move smoothly and briskly, with the front legs fully extended near the ground. A short, erratic or high step means that the shoulders are too straight; a stroke means that the front link is too long and weak; combined with a short, stilted gait means a straight rear combination, these are serious faults. Defects in gait that impede performance, including swaying forwards; side steps; cross-steps; high steps; rowing steps; and broken steps that constantly change directions, are all serious violations.
Labrador’s temperament and his “otter” tail are also registered trademarks of this breed. The ideal character of a Labrador is friendly, straightforward, docile nature; eager expression and non-aggressive toward humans and animals. The Labrador has many qualities that attract people; his kindness, intelligence, and adaptability make him an ideal breed. It is a serious offense to attack a person or animal, or show any signs of cowardice in an adult dog.
Eleven 1. Disqualification Rules
1. Failure to meet height requirements.
2. Lack of color or completely pink nose.
3. There is no specified color for the eye sockets.
4. Trim the tail or change the length of the tail in other ways.
5. Any other non-standard required colors or combinations except black, yellow or chocolate.