gloves are classified into different categories according to different materials and functions in the trademark classification table.
The goods in the 9th category are
9275 diver gloves, C9113 acid-proof gloves, 9276 industrial X-ray gloves, 9274 accident-proof gloves, 934 asbestos gloves and C9121 electric gloves.
in the 1th category, there are
192 massage gloves, 143 medical gloves
in the 17th category, there are
1749 insulating gloves
in the 21st category, there are
21141 glove brace, 21357 barbecue gloves and 21357 oven gloves.
in the 25th category, there are
251 25167 ski gloves, 2599 mittens and 2567 gloves (clothing)
in the 28th category, there are
28141 baseball gloves
28132 protective gloves for fencing, 2832 boxing gloves and 28132 boxing gloves. 2872 competitive gloves and 2815 batting gloves (sports devices)
gloves are classified into the above categories according to their uses and materials. When registering, they need to be registered according to their own needs. If the registration category is wrong or they are not registered, they are not protected. After thinking about the name, the work that needs to be done before registration is to make a query and search before trademark registration to determine whether the trademark that needs to be registered violates the trademark registration principle or trademark law. If the trademark is violated, it cannot be submitted to the Trademark Office for registration, otherwise it will be rejected by the Trademark Office.