How to apply for US trademark copyright? The time it takes for the U.S. Copyright Office to process an application varies, depending on the number of applications the Copyright Office receives at the time of filing, backlog, etc. Generally speaking, copyright registration applications accepted online take about 1 to 6 months, with an average of about 3 months to complete. The following intellectual property rights will be introduced in detail.
(1) Submit the application form
(2) Pay the application fee
(3) Submit a copy of the work
Registered work Make 1 or 2 copies of this copy for storage but cannot be returned. Storage time is 5 years. If it is required to preserve the work during the entire period of protection, an additional fee will be required.
(4) Formal examination
After receiving the copyright registration application, the copyright examiner will review the application to decide whether the relevant work can be registered. The review of copyright registration applications is less detailed than trademark and patent applications. When examining a copyright registration application, examiners generally consider the following:
1. Whether the work belongs to a category that can obtain copyright;
2. Whether the work has sufficient originality;
3. Whether the required storage procedures have been followed;
4. Whether the application procedures have been completed.
(5) Whether registration is allowed
If after review, it is believed that the deposited materials constitute the subject matter of copyright and meet other statutory and formal requirements of the law, the application should be processed Copyright registration. The certificate should include the information provided in the application, registration number and effective date.
If the Director of the Copyright Office believes that the deposited materials cannot constitute the subject matter of copyright, or the application cannot be established for other reasons, he shall refuse registration and notify the applicant in writing of the reasons for the refusal.
If the applicant’s application for registration is rejected, he or she can request a review. The review is conducted in two stages. First, it is re-examined by the examining department if the department refuses registration. The applicant may file a request for a second review with the Copyright Office Review Board. The Copyright Office Review Board shall consist of the Director of Copyright, the Chief Counsel, and a member designated by the Director of Copyright.
The above is how to apply for US trademark copyright? related content. If you need help with U.S. trademarks, you are welcome to consult a professional intellectual property consultant. Copyright Registration US Trademark Registration