Why did trademark registration fail?
Trademark registration is not successful, find out the reason. Unsuccessful trademark registration is a common phenomenon in the industry. Then, the reasons for the unsuccessful trademark registration can be summarized as follows: 1. Blind spot for trademark inquiry. An irresistible trademark should be inquired before application. No matter whether the applicant entrusts an agency to inquire or goes to official website of the State Trademark Office, the retrieved data is not the data as of the date of your inquiry, that is, the blind spot for trademark inquiry data. The data of the blind area, one part is the application data being submitted, and the other part is the data that has been submitted to the State Trademark Office, but has not been entered into the query database by the Trademark Office in time; Other data include trademark review, international trademark extension priority, etc. It is precisely because of the lack of data in the above three aspects that the conclusion drawn by the applicant after careful inquiry is not completely accurate. Although the probability of collision between the trademark to be applied and the data of the blind area is very small, the existence and irresistible of the blind area make it uncertain whether the trademark can be registered successfully. Second, trademark examiners have greater discretion and arbitrariness. Trademark review is not a machine review, but a manual analysis and judgment of trademark examiners. Each examiner's knowledge and consideration angle are not exactly the same, so there may be the same trademark in the hands of two different examiners with completely different examination results.