This category includes, in particular, entertainment and game devices, fishing gear, various sports and game equipment used with external display screens or monitors.
In particular, this category does not include: candles for Christmas trees (category IV), diving equipment (category IX), electric lights for Christmas trees (colorful) (category XI), fishing nets (category XXIII), sports and sports clothes (category XXV), candy and chocolate for Christmas tree decoration (category XXX).
further reading:
281 entertainment equipment, entertainment articles
282 toys
283 chess, Cards and auxiliary equipment
284 ball games and equipment
285 fitness equipment
286 archery sports equipment
287 gymnastics, weightlifting, track and field, ice and snow and other sports equipment belonging to this category
288 swimming pool and runway
289 sports protective equipment and skates
281 decorations for Christmas trees < Cheerleading baton
(28195) camouflage shelter (sporting goods)
(2827) scratch card for lottery
(C2896)※ Sweat absorption belt for racket.