1. Backpacks 2. Purses 3. Mountaineering package 4. Handbags
5. Hand bags 6. Drawbars package 7. Cartons 8 , Danjian package
9. Shoulders package 10. Cloth 11. Luggage bag suitcase 12. Briefcase
English (English), belonging to the Indo-European language family The West Germanic branch of the Meso-Germanic language family evolved from the language spoken by the Germanic people of the Anglo, Saxon and Jute tribes who immigrated to the British Isles in ancient times from Denmark and other Scandinavian peninsulas as well as Germany, the Netherlands and surrounding areas. came and spread to all parts of the world through British colonial activities.
Due to historical contact with multiple ethnic languages, its vocabulary has changed from unigram to plural, its grammar has changed from "more inflection" to "less inflection", and its pronunciation has also undergone regular changes according to English. In terms of the number of native speakers, English is the official language used in the most countries. English is also the most widely used second language in the world. It is also the official language of the European Union, the most international organizations and Commonwealth countries, and has the third largest number of native speakers in the world. , only less than the number of native speakers of Chinese and Spanish.