The name of the trademark registrant is the subject of protection by the trademark law. The address of the trademark registrant is necessary information for the trademark management agency to manage and contact the trademark. In order to effectively protect the exclusive rights of the trademark, when the name (address) of the trademark registrant ) is changed, a change application must be submitted to the trademark authority in a timely manner in accordance with the law, so that it can be filed and registered in the "Trademark Register". The qualifications of the trademark owner after the change remain unchanged. According to the provisions of the Trademark Law: 1. To change the name or address of the trademark registrant, the trademark registrant must apply for all registered trademarks together; 2. To apply to change the name, address or other registration matters of the trademark registrant, each application must be filed with The Trademark Office shall submit one copy of the corresponding trademark change application form and one copy of the change certificate. After approval by the Trademark Office, the corresponding certificate will be issued to the registrant and announced. Trademark registration