"TM" means that the trademark is being accepted by the Trademark Office, but whether it can be successfully registered in the end is another matter.
We usually see the R mark next to the trademark on the outer packaging of many products, which is the trademark registration mark. Article 9 of China's Trademark Law stipulates that a trademark registrant has the right to indicate a "registered trademark" or a registration mark. A registered trademark refers to a mark used together with a registered trademark to indicate that the trademark has been registered. According to the relevant regulations, there are two kinds of marks in trademark registration in China: one is note, which is the abbreviation of Chinese character "registration"; The other is R, which is the prefix of the English word "Registration" and is used all over the world. When using a registered trademark, the registered mark shall be marked, with the purpose of informing the public that the trademark is a registered trademark and is protected by law. No one else may use it without permission, otherwise it will cause infringement. It should also be noted that only registered trademarks can be used. If a registered trademark is used without registration, it will constitute a counterfeit registered trademark and the user will be punished.
So what is the sign of "TM" that we usually see? It is the abbreviation of "Trade Mark" in English. Some unregistered trademarks use "TM" marks beside their trademarks in order not to be confused with their trademark names, so that people can know that the words or graphics marked by "TM" are used as trademarks, not commodity names.