my country adopts the trademark system of “one mark, multiple categories”. According to the latest Trademark Law, trademark registration applicants can apply to register the same trademark for multiple categories of goods through one application. No need to submit repeated applications. It is recommended that registrants choose the corresponding category from the perspective of needs.
Implementing the principle of applying for trademark registration with one mark and multiple categories has the following advantages:
1. It can reduce the number of trademark registration applications. At this stage, the principle of trademark registration applications in my country is one class, one mark. In the past ten years, the number of trademark registration applications in my country has exceeded 1 million every year. After the implementation of the one mark, multiple classes principle, the number of trademark registration applications will be reduced by at least 50%.
2. It can reduce the amount of trademark examination by the Trademark Office and increase the time for trademark examination. Originally, the principle of "one mark, one class" was implemented. If an applicant applies for registration of the same trademark in multiple categories, there will be multiple trademarks. These multiple trademarks will be examined by multiple trademark examiners respectively. After the implementation of "one mark, multiple categories", it will become A trademark is examined by an examiner.
3. Greatly reduce the administrative costs of trademark management
1. Reduce the printing and distribution costs of the "Trademark Announcement" and reduce the number of pages of the "Trademark Announcement".
2. Reduce the number of trademark registrations.
3. Reduce the capacity of the trademark computer database of the Trademark Office.
Notes on registering one mark for multiple categories:
If a trademark registration application is rejected in some categories, the registration certificate shall record the approved categories of registration and the goods/services approved for use. .
A registration certificate will be issued for “one trademark with multiple categories”. Registrants cannot apply for issuance of registration certificates by category, and only one registration certificate can be issued for a registered trademark.
In the "Announcement on the Business Description of the Division of Trademark Registration Applications and Application Precautions", for trademarks with multiple categories under one standard, each registration application can only be divided once, and it only applies to the Trademark Office's application for one trademark In the process of rejection of a registration application for some designated goods or services, other procedures will not be divided.
So how to transfer one or more categories of a multi-category trademark?
The transfer procedures for one trademark with multiple categories should be handled as a whole. The registrant should also handle the transfer of similar trademarks registered on the same type of goods, or the same similar trademarks registered on similar goods.
The above is about how to handle the transfer of one or more categories of a multi-category trademark. If you have needs such as trademark registration, trademark transfer, declaration of science and technology projects, high-tech enterprise identification, etc., you are welcome to consult the intellectual property rights Online customer service.