Matt graduated from the Law School of Renmin University of China, majoring in civil and commercial law, and received his doctorate in 25. His research interests include general principles of civil law, personality rights law and legal methodology. He was awarded the title of O 'Melveny &; Myers LLP) awarded the "Meimeisi" Law Award, the ten most popular teachers in 27, the Wang Linsheng Award in 21, and the "Pioneer of Education" model in Beijing in 211. So far, he has presided over many projects such as the National Social Science Fund and the Ministry of Education, and participated in the major research projects of the Ministry of Education and several national-level research projects as a major member, publishing more than 5 papers and more than 1 monographs and teaching materials. 1. Interest Measurement and Dynamic Choice in Conflict of Rights —— Taking Roy v. Wade as an Example (11, words), Jiangxi Social Sciences (CSSCI Journal), No.8, 214.
2. The Reform of Informed Consent Rules from the Perspective of Public Governance (8, words), Management World (CSSCI Journal), No.7, 214.
3. On the Right of Cohabitation and Marital Rape (1, words), No.7 of Shandong Social Sciences (CSSCI Journal) in 214.
4. The Right Foundation and Rule Construction of the Right of Informed Consent from the Civil Perspective (12, words), Jianghuai Forum (CSSCI Journal), No.5, 214.
5. Study on the Applicable Space of Registered Antagonism (9, words), Gansu Social Sciences (CSSCI Journal), No.4, 214.
6. Discussion on Controversy of Real Estate Registration Regulations (9, words), Theory and Reform (CSSCI Journal), No.4, 214.
7. genealogical investigation of privacy (1, words), Hunan Social Sciences (CSSCI Journal), No.3, 214.
8. The History and Development of American Privacy (co-author, first author, 2, words), Frontier of Foreign Social Sciences, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 214.
9. Overall Construction of Rights Conflict Resolution Mechanism (1, words), journal of china national school of administration (CSSCI Journal), No.2, 213.
1.《< Copyright law > Re-examination of Article 69 of the revised draft —— From the perspective of comparison of current norms (co-author, second author, 1, words), Journal of Chongqing University of Technology (Social Science Edition), No.3, 213.
11. Debate on Personal Data Protection (15, words), Journal of Suzhou University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) (CSSCI Extended Edition), No.6, 212.
12. Analysis of School Accident Liability —— An Interpretation of Articles 38, 39 and 4 of Tort Liability Law (12, words), Academic Forum (CSSCI Journal), No.7, 212.
13. From Autonomy of Will to Protection of Personality —— Paradigm Shift of Modern Civil Law from the Perspective of Privacy (2, words), Volume 1 of Research on Private Law (CSSCI Collection), Law Press, July 211; China Social Science Abstracts, No.2, 212.
14. Personal Information Protection in the Era of Cloud Computing (8, words), China Information Security, No.9, 211.
15. Fatherhood and "Returning the Land to the People" (1, words), No.6 of Northern Law, 21.
16. Personal Privacy Protection in Anglo-American Law (8, words), Journal of Chongqing University of Technology (Social Science Edition), No.1, 21.
17. damages, unjust enrichment or negotiorum gestio-an analysis of article 2 of tort liability law (3, words), No.2 series of Civil and Commercial Law Contests, Law Press, September 21.
18. Who Murdered Privacy —— Looking at the Dilemma and Outlet of Privacy from "Human Flesh Search" (3, words), No.6 of Yuedan Civil and Commercial Law Magazine, 29.
19. On the Construction of the Relief System of Personality Rights (1, words), edited by Yang Lixin: Theoretical Controversy in Civil and Commercial Law-Types of Torts and Developing Personality Rights, Renmin University of China Press, December 28.
2. Semantic Textual Research and Legal Interpretation of Privacy (7, words), Searching (CSSCI Journal), No.5, 28.
21. The Credit Problem in the Construction of Market Economy (7, words), Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition), No.5, 28.
22. Discussion on the Relationship between Personality Rights and Constitutional Fundamental Rights (1, words), Journal of Anhui University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) (CSSCI Journal), No.5, 28.
23. On the Application of Discussion Teaching in Law Education (6, words), Adult Education in China (CSSCI Journal), No.5, 28.
24. Who's at fault —— All the people reflected by the "Yanzhaomen" incident (3, words), Information Network Security, No.4, 28.
25. Interpretation of Privacy from the Perspective of Law and Economics (6, words), Politics and Law (CSSCI Journal), No.4, 28.
26. Research on the concurrence of claims for compensation for work-related injuries (co-author, second author, .9 million words), Law Forum (CSSCI Journal), No.3, 28.
27. On the Circulation of Land Contracted Management Right (8, words), Hebei Law (CSSCI Journal), No.11, 27.
28. Debate on the Principle of Equal Protection of Property Law (1, words), Soochow Law, autumn 27.
29. No Privacy, No Freedom (1, words), Law Journal (CSSCI Journal), No.5, 27; China Renmin University reprinted the second issue of "Civil and Commercial Law" in 28.
3. Credit Risk and the Development of Security Interests (15, words), Anhui University Law Review No.1 in 27, Anhui University Press, September 27.
31. Study on the Composition and Typology of Infringement of Privacy (1, words), No.4 of Northern Law in 27.
32. Land contractual management right from the perspective of building a new socialist countryside (12, words), edited by Yang Lixin: Theoretical Controversy of Civil and Commercial Law-usufructuary right, Renmin University of China Press, February 27.
33. Argument on Independent Compilation of Personality Rights (1, words), edited by Wang Liming: Research on Major Difficult Issues of Personality Rights Law in Civil Code, China Legal Publishing House, January 27.
34. Research on the Relationship between Personality Rights and Property Rights (9, words), edited by Wang Liming: Research on Major Difficult Problems of Personality Rights Law in Civil Code, China Legal Publishing House, January 27.
35. Expert's Proposal on the Draft of China's Personality Rights Law (co-author, third author, 1, words), edited by Wang Liming: Research on Major Difficult Issues in the Personality Rights Law of the Civil Code, China Legal Publishing House, January 27.
36. Rediscovery of "Man" in Civil Law (5, words), Law Forum (CSSCI Journal), No.3, 26.
37. The Constitution and Defense of the Responsibility for Infringement of Privacy (2, words), edited by Wang Liming and Paul Gewirtz: The Frontier Dialogue between China and the United States —— A Special Study on Personality Rights Law and Tort Law, China Legal Publishing House, January 26.
38. The Protection of Privacy in German Law (translated, 16, words), edited by Wang Liming and Paul Gewirtz: The Frontier Dialogue between China and the United States-A Special Study on Personality Rights Law and Tort Law, China Legal Publishing House, January 26.
39. Comment on "de facto trust contract relationship" —— Legal thinking on ——TMT trademark ownership dispute case (1, words), Research on Judgment (CSSCI Collection), No.6, 25, People's Court Press, March 26.
4. Conflict of Rights in Privacy System (7, words), Law Forum (CSSCI Journal), No.1, 26; China Renmin University reprinted the newspaper materials "Civil and Commercial Law" in the fifth issue in 26.
41. On the Effectiveness of the Obligation of Cohabitation between Spouses (8, words), Journal of China Women's University, No.1, 26.
42. Summary of the General Meeting of china law society Civil Law Research Association in 24 (co-author, second author, 2, words), China Law (CSSCI Journal), No.1, 25.
43. A Case Study on the Systematization of Civil Law —— Focusing on the Problem of Unauthorized Disposition (37, words), edited by Wu Handong: Research on Private Law (CSSCI Collection), Volume IV, China University of Political Science and Law Press, November 24.
44. The Change of Property Rights and the Protection of Creditor's Rights in Serial Transactions (11, words), The Study of Adjudication, No.1 in 24, People's Court Press, March 24.
45. Review of Spouse Rights (27, words), edited by Wang Liming, Guo Mingrui and Pan Weida: Research on Basic Theoretical Issues of China's Civil Code, People's Court Press, February 24.
46. summary of the viewpoints of "seminar on judicial interpretation of compensation for personal injury caused by infringement" (1, words), Research on Adjudication, No.4, 23, People's Court Press, January 24.
47. Discussion on the Controversy of Personality Rights in Civil Code (6, words), People's Court Newspaper, third edition, September 12, 23; China Renmin University reprinted the newspaper materials "Civil and Commercial Law" in the 11th issue in 23.
48. On the Validity of Unauthorized Disposition Contract (2, words), edited by Wang Liming: Theoretical Controversy in Civil and Commercial Law-Unauthorized Disposition, Renmin University of China Press, April 23.
49. Review and Prospect of Civil and Commercial Law Research in 22 (co-author, second author, 13, words), The Jurist (CSSCI Journal), No.1, 23; China Renmin University reprinted the newspaper materials "Civil and Commercial Law" in the 6th issue in 23.
5. On the Right of Spouse (12, words), Research on Judgment and Interpretation, No.4 in 22, People's Court Press, February 23.
51. "Two Laoganma, who is hotter?" A case analysis of the conflict of rights and comments on the unfair competition case of Laoganma-flavored lobster sauce (1, words), Research on Judgment, No.3 series, 21, People's Court Press, November 21.
52. The Integration of Fault and Illegality from the Perspective of History and Society (7, words), edited by Yang Lixin: Legal Application of Hot Issues in Tort Law, People's Court Press, November 2. 1. Monograph: Research on Privacy (single book, 45, words), Renmin University of China Press, October 214.
2. Monograph: Research on Frontier Theory and Practice of Property Law (single book, 27, words), Intellectual Property Press, July 214.
3. Monograph: Introduction to Anglo-American Contract Law (co-author, first author, with 13, words), university of international business and economics Publishing House, October 29.
4. Monograph: Changes in Property Rights (single book, 2, words), China Legal Publishing House, May 27.
5. Essays: A Study on Major Difficult Problems in the Personal Rights Law of the Civil Code (53, words, deputy editor), China Legal Publishing House, January 27.
6. legislative report: scholars' proposal of China's civil code and legislative reasons (co-author, 2, words), Law Press, June 25.
7. Translation: Privacy and Media (co-translated, the first author, with 5, words), China Legal Publishing House, March 212.
8. Edited by: Case Analysis of Personality Rights Law (edited by 23, words), university of international business and economics Publishing House, July 212.
9. Edited: Interpretation of Tort Liability Law (edited with 3, words), China Legal Publishing House, January 21.
1. edited by: case analysis of property law (edited by 38, words), university of international business and economics publishing house, October 29.
11. Editor: Draft Proposal and Explanation of the Draft Civil Code of China (co-author, with 12, words), China Legal Publishing House, November 24.
12. Edited: Conflicts and Avoidances between WTO and China's Labor Legal System (co-author, first author, with 2, words), China City Press, January 21.
13. Textbook: Civil Law (edited with 9, words), university of international business and economics Publishing House, December 211.
14. Textbook: A Course of Personality Rights Law (co-author, first author, with 15, words), Renmin University of China Press, September 27.
15. Textbook: Teaching Course of Discussion on General Principles of Civil Law (edited by 6, words), university of international business and economics Publishing House, November 26. 1. From 27 to 21, the National Social Science Foundation project "Privacy Protection in Modern Society" was the project host.
2. From 21 to 215, Fok Ying-tung Young Teachers Fund Project "Value Conflict of Right to Life" was the project host.
3. From 211 to 215, the research project "Ethical Reflection and System Reconstruction of the Right to Life" of the Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education was the project host.
4. From 212 to 213, I was the host of the project "Life Ethics and Tort Law Reform" of the National Scholarship Fund Committee.
5. From 22 to 25, the major project of the Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education, "Draft Proposal of Civil Code and Legislative Reasons", was the main participant, and undertook the writing of the "Expert Proposal of Personality Rights Compilation of China's Civil Code" and the reasons commissioned by the NPC Legal Work Committee by Professor Wang Liming.
6.28-29, university of international business and economics postgraduate teaching research project "Case Teaching Course of Property Law", the project host.
7.211-212, university of international business and economics postgraduate teaching research project "Case-based Teaching Course of Personality Rights Law", the project host.
8. From 21 to 212, university of international business and economics Academic Innovation Team Project "Research on Civil Rights Protection" was the main participant.
from 28 to 211, university of international business and economics "211 Project" Phase III project "Protection of Personal Information in International E-commerce Trade" was the project host.
1.25-28, university of international business and economics "211 Project" Phase II Project "Discussion Teaching Course of General Principles of Civil Law", "Selected Comments on Cases of Property Law" and "Course of Personal Rights Law", the project leader. 1. In 24, O 'Melveny &; Myers LLP) awarded the "Mimes" Law Award < P > 2. In 26, university of international business and economics won the first prize of "Excellent Undergraduate Teaching Teacher".