If you apply for a store in the clothing, children's clothing, home textiles, and footwear categories, each brand must provide at least one quality inspection report issued by a third-party authority.
At the same time, Taobao Mall will conduct random inspections of quality inspection reports on the products sold from time to time. Please file them for future reference.
A. The test items that must be included in the test reports of various products are as follows:
c) Homewear/thermal underwear/bed kit: ingredient content, GB18401 complete set, logo, appearance Quality, washing dimensional change rate;
e) Down quilt core: ingredient content, identification mark, down content, down filling, raw material requirements;
f) Cotton quilt/silk Quilt core: ingredient content, logo, raw material requirements;
Note: The full set of GB18401 includes: color fastness to water, color fastness to perspiration, color fastness to dry rubbing, formaldehyde, PH value, odor, Decomposable aromatic amine dyes.
j) Bed set: ingredient content, GB18401 complete set, logo, appearance quality, washing dimensional change rate;
k) Down quilt core: ingredient content, logo, velvet content Quantity, down filling amount, raw material requirements;
l) Cotton quilt/silk quilt core: ingredient content, identification mark, raw material requirements;
B. Garment (finished product) testing is required The report must include the brand name, product name and the above required inspection items. Products with fillers need to be inspected for "raw material requirements", and leather shoes, clothing and accessories need to be inspected for "material identification". For brands that have established quality control systems and hold trademark registration certificates, the requirements for logo and appearance inspection items can be relaxed appropriately.
2. After merchants settle in, they can apply to add brands, categories, and standards as above. For merchants who have already settled in, Taobao Mall will conduct irregular spot checks, including luggage and other categories, so please keep them on record for future reference.
Testing fees range from a few hundred to thousands....