Right brain image memory visual perception cell sensitivity training: peripheral visual field (rod photoreceptor cells) sensitivity training: yellow card rear image (paper), reverse afterimage (center visual field light block training) visual field expansion ( Eye muscle movement sensitivity) training; central color vision sensitivity training: flashing geometric figures and color block training, mandala composite color block training.
Right brain image memory visual center cell sensitivity training: left-hand tracing of raster images (CAM pattern training);
Right brain image memory image sensitivity training (intuitive image sensitivity training);
Hippocampus long-term memory sensitivity training (listening memory sensitivity training);
Brainstem memory sensitivity training;
Left and right brain coordination memory sensitivity training;
Memory acupoint stimulation: Stimulate memory acupoints to facilitate long-term memory formation;?
Right brain other comprehensive potential development training;
Self-repetition stimulation : A wave music resonance, left brain wave levitation magnetic interference suppression;
Color and light imagination training: such as red: Mars, firetruck, lips;
Sound imagination; such as 99: Uncle, picket, rescue, sunny day, sun, emergency room;
Image imagination: triangle: angle iron, triangle eye, triangle relationship between the United States, Russia and China, triangle love, triangle debt, triangle state , Sanleng brand;
Semantic imagination: Watch: an accounting tool, a symbol of wealth and high-end, a precision instrument that people carry with them;
Eye muscle movement training;
Attention training: Ask questions to generate attention and describe the shape and structure; look for red flashing random numbers or random icons, etc.
Working memory training: Working memory uses the current short-term memory content to complete the current task through real-time verbal self-reported thinking and reasoning (it can also be interpreted as paying close attention to the information to be remembered in front of you, and Self-described (voice) thinking and reasoning to complete the current work or study task). The quality of working memory ability can reflect a person's ability to deal with problems on the spot. Therefore, when using working memory, in addition to concentrating, you must also bring awareness of quality, efficiency, cost and safety to handle the current matter during self-reported (voice) thinking or logical reasoning.
Repeatedly paying attention to certain relevant information and thinking in self-report are the keys to working memory. Thinking, reasoning and making decisions on the spot when looking at pictures and propositions, making instant speeches, doing math problems, playing cards with classmates, or completing a specific work or learning task are all examples of working memory training.
Working memory = short-term memory to complete the self-reported (voice) thinking, reasoning, etc. of the current task. The key to improving working memory is to pay close attention to information and think in self-reflection (how to process it to help complete the current work). No matter what work is done, you must be aware of quality, efficiency, cost and safety. ?