It is not invalid from the beginning. "Invalid from the beginning" means that it is invalid from the date of application for registration. The facts arising from the trademark right no longer exist. If it can be restored, it must be restored to its original state. If it cannot be restored, it must be restored to its original state. Those who recover must be compensated. A trademark that is "invalid from the beginning" is because it violates the prohibitive provisions of the law; a trademark that has been revoked and has not been used for 3 years does not fall into this situation. The cancellation is only because the trademark owner passively exercised his rights and did not violate the law. The starting date of the one-year protection period is the date the decision to withdraw is made, not the day the withdrawal is proposed. Article 50 of the Trademark Law stipulates that if a registered trademark is revoked, declared invalid or will not be renewed upon expiration, the Trademark Office shall, within one year from the date of cancellation, invalidation or cancellation, register a trademark that is identical or similar to the trademark. The application will not be approved. The purpose of these regulations is to integrate trademark resources, remove abandoned trademarks that are no longer in use from the ranks of registered trademarks, pave the way for the registration and use of new trademarks, and urge trademark registrants to use their own trademarks in a timely and reasonable manner. Register a trademark to prevent the waste of trademark resources.