Starbucks coffee? (Starbucks)? There are two versions of the trademark. The first version of the brown trademark originated from a16th century Scandinavian double-tailed mermaid woodcarving pattern. She has bare breasts and fully visible fish tails.
Later, Starbucks was merged by the daily coffee founded by Mr. howard schultz, so it changed its brand name. The trademark of the second edition follows the original mermaid pattern, but some modifications have been made. She has no bare breasts, and the trademark color is changed to green to represent daily coffee. As a result, a trademark combining the characteristics of Starbucks and daily coffee was born.
At present, the "first" Starbucks store in Park Market, Seattle, USA still retains the original trademark, and most of the goods sold in it also carry this trademark. The so-called first store has actually moved away from the original site, although it is still in Park Market Street.