(TM domain name)
.TM is a country domain name of Turkmenistan, which is also the abbreviation of the word TradeMark in English, and. TM domain name is a trademark domain name. .
.TM is the country domain name of Turkmenistan and the abbreviation of the word TradeMark in English, and the. TM domain name is a trademark domain name. .
The Internet has a great influence on the future of enterprises. Having a trademark domain name can clearly express and protect the trademark brand of enterprises on the Internet, and it is one of the most favored domain names of commercial companies.
on the other hand, the. TM domain name has no restrictions on registrants, and with the abbreviation of TM (TradeMark), the. TM domain name has great market potential.
Registration rules:
1. Individuals are allowed to register.
2. No need to submit information.
3. Domain names with two digits or less are reserved by the Registry.
4. The ISO3166 country code and country name are all reserved by the registration bureau.
6. There must be no illegal characters at the beginning and end, such as-,+,@,&; , spaces, etc