The purpose of CAPTCHA is to distinguish between computer and human program algorithm, and it is a computing program to distinguish between users and computers. This program must be able to generate and evaluate tests that humans can easily pass but computers can't.
Chinese name distinguishes between computer and human automatic turing test, Captcha, mbth. Function, attribute program algorithm that distinguishes computer from human. Demonstration example: Take a look at an example of CAPTCHA: It is easy for humans to recognize letters in pictures, but it is very difficult to write computer programs.
LenoreBlum believes that the content in any picture can be recognized, and there is no picture generated by a computer program that cannot be recognized by a computer program. So, the game began. Some people are on the side of verification code, while others are on the side of deciphering verification code. .......
Now, two awesome people in GZUG have started this game: CYT (the chief designer of Coremail) has joined the verification code side. The source of inspiration (the designer of Guardio/Definio) joined the party that deciphered Captcha.