Copyright does not protect trademarks. However, copyright can be used as evidence to prove trademark ownership, which is helpful for trademark owners to apply for trademark registration. And the relevant laws of our country stipulate that trademark rights arise after the trademark office approves the registration, and is limited to the approved registered trademark and the approved goods for use.
Legal basis
Article 56 of the "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China"
The exclusive right to register a trademark, to approve the registered trademark Limited to the products approved for use.
Article 2 of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China
The works of Chinese citizens, legal persons or other organizations, whether published or not, enjoy copyright in accordance with this law.
The copyrights enjoyed by the works of foreigners and stateless persons based on the agreement signed between the country of origin or habitual residence of the author and China or the international treaty to which China is a party shall be protected by this law.
If the works of foreigners or stateless persons are first published in China, they shall enjoy copyright in accordance with this law.
The works of authors and stateless persons from countries that have not signed an agreement with China or are party to international treaties are published for the first time in a member state of an international treaty that China is a party to, or in member states and non-members. Any work published simultaneously in the country shall be protected by this Law.