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Trademark registration category 43 content

What is included in Class 43 of the trademark registration classification? Trademarks protect trademark registrants by ensuring that they have the exclusive right to identify goods or services, or to license others to use them for remuneration. . Regarding the detailed content of Class 43 of trademark registration, the consultant of the Trademark Network Trademark Registration Network will give a detailed introduction to the applicant below. Class 43 in the trademark registration classification mainly includes the provision of food and beverage services; temporary accommodation. The Class 43 trademark registration category mainly includes services provided by individuals or institutions to provide consumers with food and beverages, as well as services provided to obtain beds and boarding in hotels, boarding houses or other institutions that provide temporary accommodation. Class 43 trademark registration classification includes in particular: provision of accommodation booking services for tourists, especially services provided through travel agencies or brokers; provision of meals for animals. The trademark registration classification of Class 43 specifically does not include: rental services of real estate for permanent use, such as houses, apartments, etc. (Class 36); travel services provided by travel agencies (Class 39); food and beverages Embalming services (Class 40); Discotheque services (Class 41); Boarding schools (Class 41); Sanatoriums (Class 44).