Full-class trademark registration is to register the trademark under all product categories.
China’s current trademark system is a trademark registration and use system. The owner of a registered trademark has the exclusive right to use its trademark in accordance with the law, and excludes others from using the same or similar goods on the same or designated goods with the registered trademark. on similar products.
If you need it, you can find an agency like Luhuang to handle it. Luhuang regards "service quality, service efficiency, and user experience" as its lifeline. Through in-depth research on intellectual property services, a standardized service process has been established, a strict quality standard control system has been formulated, and through technical means such as the Internet and artificial intelligence, intelligent management of cases and real-time automatic push of case progress information have been achieved . It has completely solved the long-standing problems of information asymmetry, opaque charging, low service efficiency, and difficulty in ensuring quality in the traditional intellectual property service industry, allowing users to protect their intellectual property rights in the sun, and allowing users to truly enjoy professional, safe, and professional services. Fast and cost-effective service.