Inconel 625, Inconel 6, Inconel 61, Incoloy 825, Incoloy 8
Incoloy and Inconel are two different series of materials, all of which belong to Inconel, Incoloy is heat-resistant Inconel and Inconel is heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant Inconel, all of which are patented products of American Superalloy Company.
here is a brief introduction of these brands.
Inconel L625
Overview of properties and application fields of Inconel L625:
This alloy is a solid solution strengthened nickel-based deformed superalloy with Mo and Nb as the main strengthening elements, with excellent corrosion resistance and high oxidation resistance, good tensile properties and fatigue properties from low temperature to 98℃, and stress corrosion resistance in salt spray atmosphere. Therefore, it can be widely used to manufacture aero-engine parts, aerospace structural parts and chemical equipment.
Inconel l625 similar brands:
NS336 GH3625 GH625 (China), NC22DNb (France), W.Nr.2.4856 (Germany)
Incone l625 composition and properties
inconel625 standard
inconel625 metallographic structure: <
technological properties and requirements of p>Inconel625:
1. The alloy has good cold and hot formability, and the ingot forging heating temperature is 112℃.
2. The average grain size of this alloy is closely related to the deformation degree of forgings and the final forging temperature.
3. The weldability of the alloy is good, and argon arc welding can be carried out with tungsten electrode or this alloy as filler in a protective atmosphere, and brazing connection and resistance seam welding can also be used.
4. surface treatment process: when removing the oxide scale on the alloy surface, first wash it with alkali, and then wash it with acid in nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid-water solution.
5. When the processing amount of the alloy is more than 15% during cold working, it should be annealed after hot working.
main specifications of Inconel625:
Inconel625 seamless pipe, Inconel625 steel plate, Inconel625 round steel, Inconel625 forgings, Inconel625 flange, Inconel625 circular ring, Inconel625 welded pipe, Inconel625 steel strip, Inconel 625 straight bar, Inconel625 wire and its welding materials, Inconel625 workpiece
Inconel 6
Overview of its characteristics and application fields:
This alloy is a nickel-chromium-iron-based solid solution strengthening alloy, which has good high temperature corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance, excellent cold and hot working and welding properties, and satisfactory thermal strength and high plasticity below 7℃. The alloy can be strengthened by cold working, or connected by resistance welding, solution welding or brazing, which is suitable for making anti-oxidation parts with low load below 11℃.
Incone l6 similar brands:
GH6 (China), NC15FE (France), W.Nr.2.4816, NiCr15Fe (Germany), NA14 (UK), NS312, UNSN66
Composition and properties of Boschmann inconel6
inconel6 standard
Metallographic structure of Inconel 6:
The alloy was treated at 112℃ for 2 hours, and only TiN nitride and Cr7C3 carbide existed. After being treated at 87℃ and 15℃? After long-term aging, the microstructure is still Cr7C3 and TiN, which shows that the microstructure of the alloy is stable.
technological properties and requirements of p>Inconel6:
1. The alloy has good hot workability, and the heating temperature of ingot forging is 111℃ ~ 114℃.
2. The average grain size of this alloy is closely related to the deformation degree of forgings and the final forging temperature.
3. The alloy has good weldability, and can be connected by various methods such as original arc welding, argon arc welding, resistance welding and brazing. Large or complex welded structural parts should be annealed at 87℃ for 1h after solution welding to eliminate welding stress.
4. The alloy must be machined after heat treatment. Because of the work hardening of the material, it is advisable to use a lower cutting speed and a re-feed than the low-alloy standard austenitic stainless steel for machining before turning into the surface layer that has been hardened by cold work.
Inconel6 main specifications:
Inconel6? Seamless pipe, Inconel6? Steel plate, Inconel6? Round steel, Inconel6? Forging, Inconel6? Flange and Inconel6? Ring, Inconel6? Welded pipe, Inconel6? Steel strip, Inconel6? Straight, Inconel6? Wire and supporting welding materials, Inconel6? Workpiece
Inconel 61
Introduction of Inconel 61:
Inconel 61 is a nickel-based alloy material. It has excellent oxidation resistance at high temperature, good carbonation resistance, good oxidation resistance to sulfur-containing atmosphere, good mechanical properties at room temperature and high temperature, and good stress corrosion cracking resistance. Because the carbon content and grain size are controlled, 61 has high creep fracture strength, so it is recommended to use 61 in the field above 5℃.
Inconel 61 corresponding brands:
UNS N661, W.Nr.2.4851, NS313/ NS313, 1Cr23Ni6Fe13Al, NCF61 (Japan)
inconel61 composition and performance
Inconel 61 has the following characteristics:
1. Excellent oxidation resistance at high temperature
2. Good carbonization resistance
3. Good oxidation resistance and sulfur-containing atmosphere
4. Good mechanical properties at room temperature and high temperature
Inconel 61 metallographic structure:
61 is a face-centered cubic lattice structure.
Inconel 61 corrosion resistance:
One of the important properties of 61 alloy is its oxidation resistance at temperatures as high as 118℃. Even under severe conditions, such as heating and cooling cycles, 61 can form a dense oxide film and obtain high spalling resistance. 61 has good carbonation resistance. Because of the high content of chromium and aluminum, 61 has good oxidation resistance in high temperature sulfur-containing atmosphere. .
Inconel 61 application:
1. Pallets, baskets and fixtures used in heat treatment plants.
2. Steel wire splitting annealing and radiation tubes, high-speed gas burners, wire mesh belts in industrial furnaces.
3. Isolation tank in ammonia reforming and catalytic support grid in nitric acid manufacturing.
4. exhaust system components
5. combustion chamber of solid waste incinerator
6. pipe support and soot treatment components
7. exhaust gas detoxification system components
8. oxygen reheater
Inconel 61 main specifications
Inconel 61 seamless pipe, Inconel 61 steel plate, Inconel 61 round steel plate, Inconel 61 round steel plate. Inconel 61 flange, Inconel 61 ring, Inconel 61 welded pipe, Inconel 61 steel strip, Inconel 61 straight bar, Inconel 61 wire material and supporting welding materials, Inconel 61 machined part
Incoloy 825 Incoloy 825 (UNS NO 8825). Overview of characteristics and application fields of austenitic Ni-Fe-Cr alloy
This alloy is a general engineering alloy, which has acid resistance and alkali metal corrosion resistance in both oxidation and reduction environments. The high nickel content makes the alloy have effective stress corrosion cracking resistance. Good corrosion resistance in various media, such as sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, nitric acid and organic acids, alkali metals such as sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid solution. The comprehensive properties of the alloy are shown in the nuclear combustion dissolver with various corrosive media, such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid and sodium hydroxide, which are all treated in the same equipment. It is used in various industrial fields with the service temperature not exceeding 55℃, such as heating pipes, containers, baskets and chains used in sulfuric acid pickling plants, seawater cooling heat exchangers, marine product pipeline systems, acid gas environment pipelines, heat exchangers in phosphoric acid production, evaporators, washing and dipping pipes, air heat exchangers in petroleum refining, food engineering, chemical processes, flame retardant alloys for high-pressure oxygen applications, etc.
Incoloy825 similar brands:
NS142 (China), NC21FeDu (France), W.Nr.2.4858 NiCr21Mo (Germany) NA16 (UK)
Incoloy825 composition and performance?
Incoloy825 standard
Metallographic structure of Incoloy 825:
The alloy has a stable face-centered cubic structure. Chemical composition and proper heat treatment ensure that the corrosion resistance is not weakened by sensitization.
technological properties and requirements of p>Incoloy825:
1. When the heating environment of the alloy contains sulfur, phosphorus, lead or other low-melting metals, the Nicrofer 623/623H alloy will become brittle. Impurities come from marking paint, chalk, lubricating oil, water, fuel, etc. The sulfur content of fuel should be low, for example, the impurity content of liquefied gas and natural gas should be lower than .1%, the sulfur content of city gas should be lower than .25g/m3, and the sulfur content of liquefied petroleum gas should be lower than .5%.
2. The suitable hot working temperature of the alloy is 115-9℃, and the cooling mode can be water quenching or rapid air cooling.
3. tungsten inert gas shielded welding, plasma arc welding, manual sub-arc welding, metal inert gas shielded welding and metal inertia gas are adopted, among which pulse arc welding is the first choice.
Incoloy825 main specifications
Incoloy825 seamless pipe, Incoloy825 steel plate, Incoloy825 round steel, Incoloy825 forgings, Incoloy825 flange, Incoloy825 circular ring, Incoloy825 welded pipe, Incoloy825 steel strip, Incoloy825 straight bar, Incoloy825 wire and its matching welding materials, Incoloy 8
Incoloy 8 alloy are usually 15-25% in Cr content, 3-45% in Ni content, and contain a small amount of aluminum and titanium.
Incoloy8 alloy is in the single austenite region after rapid cooling at high temperature, so the service state is a single austenite structure.
The alloy has high chromium content and sufficient nickel content, so it has high high temperature corrosion resistance and is widely used in industry.
it has excellent stress corrosion cracking resistance in chloride, low concentration NaOH aqueous solution and high temperature and high pressure water, so it is used to manufacture stress corrosion cracking resistance equipment.
Incoloy8 similar brand
China: Cr2Ni32AlTi? NS111? GH118? GH18
USA: No.88
Japan: NCF8 NAS8
West Germany: X2 Nicralti 322
Nicrofer 322 Alloy 8 ATI 8
Incoloy 8 Application field
Chemical industry, nuclear generator, nitric acid cooler and acetic anhydride cracking pipe. Muffle furnace, heat treatment fixture and basket, vacuum furnace device, chlorination equipment with the highest working temperature of 1 degrees Fahrenheit, titanium dioxide factory, retort furnace, heater, distiller, bubble cap tower and condenser in fatty acid process, evaporator tube, tube plate and tablet tray in sodium sulfide manufacturing process, rosin acid treatment equipment in pulp manufacturing, etc.
Incoloy8 standard
ASTM B49 ... stainless steel hot-rolled steel plate
ASTM B514 ... stainless steel cold-rolled steel plate
ASTM B515 ... stainless steel/acid-resistant steel cold-rolled steel strip
Incoloy8 supply status
hot-rolled or cold-rolled, heat-treated, oxidized or pickled
it is superior to Inconel 6 and Monel 4 alloys in manufacturing corrosion-resistant stress cracking equipment.
properties of incoloy 8
physical properties of incoloy 8
melting temperature range: 135 ~ 14℃
specific heat capacity: 455 j/(kg℃)
density: 8. g/cm3
magnetism: none
2. In order to obtain the best performance and creep resistance, solid solution treatment should be carried out after hot working.
3. The material can be directly sent into the furnace which has been heated to 12℃, and then it can be quickly taken out of the furnace after holding the temperature for enough time, and then it can be hot-worked within the specified temperature range. When the material temperature drops below the hot working temperature, it needs to be reheated.
cold working
1. The work hardening rate is higher than that of austenitic stainless steel, so it is necessary to select the processing equipment. Cold working materials should be in solution heat treatment state, and intermediate annealing should be carried out when the cold working amount is large.
2. If the cold working amount is more than 1%, the workpiece needs secondary solution treatment.
Incoloy8 welding process
is suitable for welding with the same material or other metals by any traditional welding process, such as tungsten inert gas shielded welding, plasma arc welding, manual sub-arc welding, metal inert gas shielded welding and metal inertia gas, among which pulse arc welding is the first choice. If manual arc welding is used, (Ar+He+H2+CO2) is recommended as the shielding gas.
corrosion resistance