A normal person's IQ is between 85 and 115, which is a measure of a person's cognitive abilities for their age group through a series of standardized tests. He was invented by Alfred Binet and his students in France. Based on the results of this test, he set the average person's IQ to 100. According to this set of tests, the normal person's IQ Usually between 85 and 115.
IQ is people’s ability to understand objective things and use knowledge to solve practical problems. There are many aspects of intellectual performance, such as observation, memory, imagination, creativity, analytical judgment, thinking ability, adaptability, reasoning ability, etc., including literature and business (CQ). It is currently believed that intelligence includes three abilities: short-term memory, reasoning ability and language ability.
/iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/cb8065380cd79123bd46900ca2345982b2b78027"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink"gt;/iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/cb8065380cd79123b d46900ca2345982b2b78027?x -bce-process=image2Fresize2Cm_lfit2Cw_6002Ch_8002Climit_12Fquality2Cq_852Fformat2Cf_auto"esrc="/cb8065380cd79123bd46900ca2345982b2b78027"/gt;
Extended information;
Literally speaking, smart The quotient is the quotient of intelligence.
People will determine a mental age for children based on their performance on intelligence tests. The result obtained by dividing this mental age by the biological age and multiplying it by 100 is the child's IQ.
For example, if the intelligence test results of a six-year-old child show that his mental level has reached the average level of a 9-year-old child, then his IQ is 150.
But there is a serious problem with this, that is, the speed of a person's mental growth and the speed of age are not completely synchronized.
If this standard were used for people of all ages, Einstein’s IQ in his later years might not be as good as that of a babbling child.
Reference source;/baike.baidu.com/item/E699BAE59586/129287?fromtitle=iqamp;fromid=16208amp;fr=aladdin#2"target="_blank"title="Baidu Encyclopedia-IQ "gt; Baidu Encyclopedia-IQ