1."_" symbol: the "_" symbol represents a registered trademark. It is used to indicate that a trademark has passed the examination of the relevant trademark registration bureau and has been successfully registered. The trademark owner can only use the "_" symbol after the trademark registration bureau formally approves and issues the registration certificate. Using the "_" symbol can show others that the trademark enjoys legal protection and remind others not to use the trademark without authorization.
2. "Trademark" symbol: The "trademark" symbol represents a trademark. Used to identify that the trademark owner claims to be interested in a trademark, that is, the trademark application is in progress or the trademark has been applied but not registered. The trademark owner can use the "TM" symbol where the trademark is used to remind others that the trademark is being used and claim rights, but it does not mean that the trademark has been registered and protected.
Generally speaking, the symbol "_" represents a registered trademark, while the symbol "TM" represents a trademark claim, which is not protected by registration. The purpose of using these two symbols is to inform others of the rights and interests of trademarks, so as to safeguard the rights and interests of trademark owners and avoid infringement by others.
It should be noted that the Trademark Law stipulates that the use of the "_" symbol must be a registered trademark, while the use of the "TM" symbol has no such restriction, and the trademark owner can freely choose whether to use the "TM" symbol to claim the trademark right.
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