According to Article 5 of the Trademark Law: “Two or more natural persons, legal persons or other organizations may apply to the Trademark Office for registration of the same trademark at the same time, and enjoy and exercise the same trademark together. Trademark exclusive rights. "Trademark application process:
1. Registration information
1. If applying in the name of a company, a copy of the business license must be provided, and if applying in the name of an individual, a copy of the business license must be provided. Copy of industrial and commercial business license and ID card.
2. 6 trademark images. For color trademarks of specified colors, 5 coloring drawings and 1 black and white ink drawing should be submitted. The trademark pattern provided must be clear and easy to paste, and must be made of smooth and durable paper or replaced by a photo. The length and width must be no more than 10 cm and no less than 5 cm (approximately the size of a business card). If the direction of the trademark pattern is unclear, arrows should be used to indicate the top and bottom. When applying for a cigarette or cigar trademark, the image can be as large as the actual one used.
3. Trademark registration application.
4. Power of attorney (if you entrust an agency to register).
5. Determine the category of goods or services and the specific goods or services. The trademark registration certificate is a written certificate issued for the convenience of the trademark registrant and has the same legal effect as the "Trademark Registration Certificate". Applicants who provide a trademark registration certificate application must be the owner of the registered trademark.
2. Processing methods There are two ways to apply for a trademark registration certificate:
(1) Entrust a nationally recognized trademark agency to handle the application.
(2) Applicants should go directly to the trademark registration hall of the Trademark Office to apply.
3. Processing steps
(1) If entrusting a trademark agency to handle the matter, the applicant can voluntarily choose any nationally recognized trademark agency to handle the matter. All trademark agencies registered with the Trademark Office are published in the "Agency" column.
(2) If the applicant goes directly to the trademark registration hall of the Trademark Office, the applicant can follow the following steps: prepare the application documents → submit the application documents at the acceptance window of the trademark registration hall → print Print the barcode at the barcode window → pay the application fee at the payment window
IV. Preparation of application documents When applying for a trademark registration certificate, the following documents should be submitted:
1 . For each application, provide a registration certificate for a registered trademark and submit an application form for a trademark registration certificate;
2. If you go directly to the trademark registration hall, submit a copy of the applicant's business license and stamp the company name. Official seal, a copy of the "Trademark Registration Certificate", and a copy of the person in charge's ID card; if entrusting a trademark agency to handle the matter, submit a trademark agency power of attorney. Note: The application for international registration certificate should add "G" before the international registration number and indicate the category of application.
5. Payment of fees The fee for each application for providing a trademark registration certificate is 1,000 yuan. If a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the matter, the applicant shall pay the trademark registration certificate fee and agency fee to the trademark agency. The trademark registration certificate fee collected by the Trademark Office will be deducted from the advance payment of the trademark agency.
6. Obtaining the Trademark Registration Certificate If the application documents for the Trademark Registration Certificate are complete and comply with the regulations, the Trademark Office will generally issue the Trademark Registration Certificate within three months and mail it to the applicant. If a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the matter, the Trademark Office will mail the trademark registration certificate to the trademark agency.