Trademark value refers to the value of a trademark as an asset during investment or business operations, that is, it is determined by the amount of capital contained in the trademark asset.
To evaluate the value of a trademark, you must first understand that a trademark is an intangible asset and its asset formation process. The formation of common trademark assets can be divided into three stages:
1. Ordinary trademark stage
When a trademark is not noticed by consumers, it is just an ordinary trademark, which does not have any asset characteristics.
2. Functional trademark stage
When the goods marked by the trademark have obvious functional advantages, and consumers begin to gradually accept the trademark because of its superior functions, it is called a trademark. It is a functional trademark. Functional trademark is the initial stage in which a trademark forms trademark assets.
3. Personalized trademark stage
When a trademark further develops its own more distinctive personality on the basis of superior quality and function, that is, it satisfies certain emotions, psychology and style of consumers. When the subjective needs are met, the development of trademarks reaches the stage of personalization. Under normal circumstances, a personalized trademark begins to have a group of loyal buyers. At this time, the quality characteristics of the goods marked by the trademark have been reduced to a secondary factor, and people's desire to purchase is the trademark personality.
At this time, since what consumers directly want to buy and own is mainly the personality of the trademark, the trademark has a relatively independent ability to create revenue. When a trademark develops into a personalized stage, it marks that the trademark assets have reached a mature stage.
The value of a trademark gradually increases with the development of the enterprise. When the enterprise develops to a certain level and the trademark becomes a popular word-of-mouth product, the value of the trademark begins to rise rapidly, and a good trademark must also know how to plan. If you are accidentally registered maliciously by people from other industries, you will lose more than you gain.
In the early stages of establishment, enterprises should try to avoid this risk and choose to register multiple fields or directly register all types of trademarks in order to protect their trademark intellectual property rights to the greatest extent and maximize the value of their trademarks. , privatization, trademark circle, and the combination of multiple fields. Choosing to register a trademark early can not only protect the company's own rights and interests, but also become a major investment opportunity. Transferring the trademark in the future can earn a lot of money.