How to check whether a trademark is registered:
1. First, log in to the official website of the China Trademark Office, which is the China Trademark Network. Note: There are many websites pretending to be China Trademark Network, and many of them are actually agency company websites.
2. After entering, you will see the official website. There will be the words "The Republic of the People's Republic of China". Scroll down and see the words "Trademark Search".
3. Click to accept.
4. After entering, there will be a China Trademark Network query page. There are comprehensive trademark searches, similar trademark searches, etc. Trademark registrations that are similar may also be rejected. Therefore, you should choose a trademark that is similar to one.
5. Enter the number in the international classification number. Queryers make choices based on the range they want. For example: clothing industry should enter 25. Cosmetics should be entered as 3. For the classification of various industries, please refer to the trademark
classification help on the right. The query method can be selected as needed. Just enter the query content.
6. After clicking on automatic search, trademarks related to ***Teng will appear. ***There are 2 records. Note: All trademark records will appear, whether they are successfully registered, pending applications, or invalid
. Therefore, you should pay attention to the status of each trademark. It also depends on whether the selected groups for the two trademarks are the same.
7. Click on the trademark name to see the detailed information of each trademark. It contains the applicant’s name, application date and other details.