Karl Marx Karl Marx
Germany /'dVEE:mEni/ n.Germany
native /'neitiv/ adj. National, local
force /fR:s/ vt. Force, force
homeland /'hEumlAnd/ n. motherland
political /pE'litikEl/ adj. political
Belgium /'beldVEEm/ n.Belgium
before long
base /beis/ n.base; base, base
revolutionary /revE'lu:FEnEri/ adj. revolutionary n. revolutionary
limit /'limit/ vt. limit, limited
limited /'limitid/ adj. limited
improve /im'pru:v/ vt. Improve; improve
rapid /'rApid/ adj. Fast, rapid
progress /'prEugres, prE 'gres/ n. progress; progress
make progress make progress
article /'a:tikl/ n. article, paper; article
Engels / 'engEls/ Engels
praise /preiz/ vt.&n. Praise, praise
greatly /'greitli/ adv. greatly; very
encourage /in 'kQridVE/ vt. encourage
however /hau'evE/ conj. However, but; still
grammar /'grAmE/ n.grammar
idiom / 'idiEm/ n. Idioms, idiomatic expressions
follow /'fRlEu/ vt. Follow; (time, etc.) then
keep on continue (do something); repeatedly
works n. Works, works; factories
civil /'sivl/ adj. domestic
master /'ma:stE/ vt. master; master
situation /sitju'eiFEn/ n. Location; situation; situation
Russia /'rQFE/ n.Russia; Russia
translate /trAns'leit/ vt.Translation
translate...into... Translate... into...
grasp /gra:sp/ vt. Grasp; understand; master
< p>freely /'fri:li/ adv. freely; casuallyyouth /ju:W/ n.Youth
grammatical /grE'mAtikEl/ adj. grammatical< /p>
consult /kEn'sQlt/ vt. look up
memorize /'memEraiz/ vt. remember
natural /'nAtFErEl/ adj. natural
Never mind.
aside /E'said/ adv. on the side
future /'fju:tFE/ n. in the future, in the future
in the future< /p>
examination /igzAmi'neiFEn/ n.examination; examination
medical examination physical examination
reality /ri'Aliti/ n.reality
suppose /sE'pEuz/ vt. Assumption; guess
name /'neim/ vt. Name; name; specify
Charlie /'tFa:li/ Charlie (male) name)
a set of...
wire /'waiE/ n. (metal) wire; wire
sensor /' sensE/ n. sensor; sensitive element
wrist /rist/ n. wrist
forehead /'fRrid, 'fR:hed/ n. forehead
plug /plQg/ vt.Connect the plug and power on
outlet /'aut-let/ n.Power socket
code /kEud/ n.Code; code
flash /flAF/ vi. (flame, etc.) flash, shine
wireless /'waiElis/ adj. wireless, radio
wireless telephone wireless telephone
< p>speaker /'spi:kE/ n. field speakerScott /skRt/ Scott (surname)
examine /ig'zAmin/ vt. examination; diagnosis< /p>
pulse /pQls/ n.pulse
breathe /bri:T/ vi.&vt.breathing
deep /di:p/ adj. deep; deep cut of
deeply /'di:pli/ adv. deeply
take it easy don't worry; don't be nervous
complete /kEm'pli:t/ vt. Complete, end
turn off (lights, radios, etc.)
telephone /'telifEun/ n. Telephone vt.&vi. Make a phone call
phone call telephone
pick out, pick out
after all; after all; don’t forget; visionphone /'viVEEnfEun/ n.TV telephone
appear /E'piE/ vi. appear; appear; as if
speed /spi:d/ n. speed
ten-speed bicycle ten-speed bicycle< /p>
model /'mRdl/ n. style
price /prais/ n. price; price
order /'R:dE/ n. order; order form
place an order order (goods)
shut /FQt/ vt.&vi. close
shut off cut off (power, etc.)
favourite /'feivErit/ adj. special
giant /'dVEaiEnt/ n.giant
freeway /'fri:wei/ n.highway
India /'indiE/ n.India
pass /pa:s/ vi.&vt. pass through, exceed
<p>pass by
feel /fi:l/ vt. touch; perception
sense /sens/ n. sense; feeling; meaning
the sense of touch happen /'hApEn/ vi. happen to
exactly /ig'zAktli/ adv. exactly, exactly
tusk /tQsk/ n. (Elephant, wild boar, etc.) tusks
mistaken /mis'teikEn/ adj. Mistaken, wrong
smooth /smu:T/ adj. Smooth; Calm
sharp /Fa:p/ adj. Sharp; pointed
spear /spiE/ n. Spear, spear
trunk /trQNk/ n .trunk; trunk
snake /sneik/ n. snake
round /raund/ prep. around (around)
fan /fAn/ n. Fan
forward /'fR:wEd/ adv. forward, forward
at all, completely
get hold of, grasp
silly /'sili/ adj. Silly; confused
roadside /'rEudsaid/ n. Roadside adj. Roadside
quarrel /'kwRrEl/ vi .quarrel
agree with somebody agree with someone
stupid /'stju:pid/ adj. stupid, stupid
act /Akt/ vi .action; do, do things
foolishly /'fu:liFli/ adv. foolishly; absurdly
paw /pR:/ n.paw
chestnut /'tFesnQt/ n. Chestnut
nut /nQt/ n. Nuts (such as walnuts, etc.)
flatter /'flAtE/ vt. Flattery, flattery; satisfaction
willing /'wiliN/ adj. willingly
share /F/E/ vt. share n. share
term /tE:m/ n. word, term , word
Galileo /gAli'leiEu/ Galileo
Aristotle /'AristRtl/ Aristotle
Greece /gri:s/ n.Greece
thinker /'WiNkE/ n.Thinker
observe /Eb'zE:v/ vt.&vi.Observe
feather /'feTE/ n.Feather
conclude /kEn'klu:d/ vt.&vi.Infer, conclude
object /'RbdVEikt Eb'dVEekt/ n.Object; target
conclusion / kEn'klu:VEEn/ n. Conclusion; inference
draw a conclusion draw a conclusion
reasonable /'ri:znEbl/ adj.reasonable
seldom /'seldEm/ adv. rarely; not often
experiment /iks'perimEnt/ n.&vi. experiment, test
once /wQns/ conj.Once...( Just...)
mind /maind/ n. idea; opinion; mood
make up one's m
ind make up your mind
truth /tru:W/ n.Truth; truth
question /'kwestFEn/ vt.Question about...
Italian / i'tAljEn/ adj. Italian
theory /'WiEri/ n. theory; principle
Pisa /'pi:zE/ n. Pisa (Italian city)
lean /li:n/ vi.&vt. (to make) tilt; lean on
leaning /'li:niN/ adj. tilt
tower /'tauE/ n .Tower
foot /fut/ n.foot
at the same time; but, however
again and again again and again
result /ri'zQlt/ n.result; effect
unless /'Qn'les/ conj.unless; if..not.
hold...back prevent
discovery /dis'kQvEri/ n. discover
discourage /dis'kQridVE/ vt. discourage
discouraged /dis'kQridVEd/ adj. discourage of
telescope /'teliskEup/ n. telescope
prove /pru:v/ vt. prove, confirm
founder /'faundE/ n. founder , the founder
grant /gra:nt/ vt. Assume...; (tentative) admit
take...for granted think...of course
accept /Ek'sept/ vt.&vi.Accept; accept
astronaut /'AstFEunR:t/ n.Astronaut
hammer /'hAmE/ n. Hammer vt .hammer
land /lAnd/ vt.&vi. (make) land
surface /'sE:fis/ n. surface, water surface
penicillin / peni'silin/ n. penicillin
damp /dAmp/ adj. moist
mould /mEuld/ n. mold
mouldy /'mouldi/ adj. Moldy
spore /spR:/ n. Spore
commonly /'kRmEnli/ adv. Ordinary, usually
germ /dVEE:m/ n. Bacteria
substance /'sQbstEns/ n.substance
treat /tri:t/ vt. treatment
disease /di'zi:z/ n.disease< /p>
quantity /'kwRntiti/ n.Quantity
antibiotics /Antibai'Rtiks/ n.Antibiotics
necklace /'neklis/ n.Necklace, collar
Mathilde Loisel /ma'ti:ld lwa'zel/ Mathilde Loisel
Pierre Loisel /'pjer lwa'zel/ Pierre Loisel< /p>
Jeanne Forrestier /'VEa:n fRres'tje/ Jeanne Forrestier
possible /'pRsEbl/ adj.possible
rather / 'ra:TE/ adv
.Rather, rather; quite
surely /'FuEli/ adv. indeed, certainly; of course
because of because
diamond /'daiEmEnd/ n. diamond , diamond
government /'gQvEnmEnt/ n. government
ball /bR:l/ n. dance
scene /si:n/ n. (drama etc.) one game
cost /kRst/ vi. value (how much) n. cost
franc /frANk/ n. franc (French monetary unit)
< p>jewelry /'dVEu:Elri/ n.(general name) jewelrycontinue /kEn'tinju(:)/ vi.&vt.continue;continue
pretty /'priti/ adj. beautiful; beautiful
pay off R
debt /det/ n. debt
at the most, no more than
< p>vain /vein/ adj. conceitedstag /stAg/ n. stag
antler /'AntlE/ n. a branch of antlers
thirsty /'WE:sti/ adj. thirsty
reflection /ri'flekFEn/ n. opposition; reflection in water
bark /ba:k/ vi. bark
hunter /'hQntE/ n. hunter
branch /bra:ntF/ n. branch
New York /nju:'jR:k/ New York (place name) p>
parcel /'pa:sl/ n.Package
mail /meil/ n.Mail
sorting room sorting room
can /kAn / n. Barrel, can
tube /tju:b/ n. Pipe
Abraham Lincoln /'eibrEhAm 'liNkEn/ Abraham Lincoln
Kentucky /kEn 'tQki/ n.Kentucky (American state name)
childhood /'tFaildhud/ n.Infancy (era), childhood
dearly /'diEli/ adv. Deeply lovingly; eagerly place
now and then sometimes, from time to time
education /edju:'keiFEn/ n.education; training
add up to total
no more than However, just
storekeeper /'stR:ki:pE/ n.(US) retail store owner
postmaster /'pEustma:stE/ n.Post Office (the ) long
law /lR:/ n. law, decree
spare /sp/E/ adj. idle; redundant
spare time leisure< /p>
lawyer /'lR:jE/ n.Lawyer; jurist
slavery /'sleivEri/ n.Slavery
think of consider; care; think of< /p>
elect /i'lekt/ vt. election; selection
president /'prezidEnt/ n.President
freedom /'fri:dEm/ n.Freedom< /p>
slave /sleiv/ n. slave
southern /'sQTEn/ adj. southern, southern
rebel /'rebEl, ri'bel/ vi. Rebellion; rebellion
set up Establish; establish; erect
Negro /'ni:grEu/ n. Black adj. Black's
break away from break away from (political party, etc.); break
the Union (United States of America)
break out (war, etc.) suddenly occur
last /la:st/ vi. Continuous; durable
nation /'neiFEn/ n. country; nation
reunite /'ri:ju:'nait/ vt.&vi.reunification
banker /'bANkE/ n. banker
sorrow /'sRrEu/ n.sorrow; regret
inspire /in' spaiE/ vt. Inspire; motivate
inspiring /in'spaiEriN/ adj. Inspiring
leader /'li:dE/ n. Leader; leader
< p>wise /waiz/ adj. smart; wisewarm-hearted /'wR:m'ha:tid/ adj. enthusiastic; kind
opening /' EupEniN/ n.Open; start
memorial /mi'mR:riEl/ n.Monument; monument
strengthen /'streNWEn/ vt.&vi.Strengthen; become stronger
regard /ri'ga:d/ vt. treat; treat as
regard...as... think...is...
George Washington /dVER:dVE/ George Washington
hatchet /'hAtFit/ n.Axe
delight /di'lait/ n.Happiness
chop /tFRp / vt.&vi. Cut, fell
crash /krAF/ n. (tree falling) clatter
cherry /'tFeri/ n. Cherry
anger /'ANgE/ n. to get angry
dozen /'dQzn/ n. a dozen, twelve
emperor /'empErE/ n.emperor
care /k/E/ vi.&vt. care, pay attention
care for care; take care of; like
cheat /tFi:t/ n. liar vt. deceive vi. fraud
weave /'wi:v/ vt. weave; weave
weaver /'wi:vE/ n. weaver; weaver
cloth / klR:W/ n. cloth; fabric
design /di'zain/ n. pattern; pattern
invisible /in'vizEbl/ adj. invisible
< p>unfit /'Qn'fit/ adj. inappropriatebe unfit for inappropriate; incompetent
office /'Rfis/ n.Position; responsibility
splendid /'splendid/ adj. brilliant; brilliant
empire /'empaiE/ n. empire
right away immediately
gold /gEuld / n. Gold; golden
in order that for
loom /lu:m/ n. Loom
pretend /pri'
tend/ vt.&vi.pretend
silk /silk/ n. (silkworm) silk; silk fabric, silk
thread /Wred/ n. thread
get along with progress
ought /R:t/ v.aux. should, should
prime /praim/ adj. primary; basic
minister / 'ministE/ n. minister; minister
the Prime Minister Prime Minister, prime minister; prime minister
fit /fit/ adj. suitable; competent
be fit for suitable; competent
hall /hR:l/ n. synagogue, hall, auditorium
god /gRd/ n.God; (God) God
God save me!
wide /waid/ adv. broadly; fully
point /pRint/ vi. point to, point to vt. point out
point to point to.. .
Dear me. Ha! oops!
soon after soon after
sing high praise for high praise...
get back come back; retrieve
eager /' i:gE/ adj. eager, eager
disease /di'zi:z/ n. disease
bad-tempered /'bAd ??'tempEd/ adj. bad-tempered
cure /kjuE/ vt.&n.cure
poison /'pRizn/ vt.poison
nonsense /'nRnsEns/ n.nonsense
stomachache /'stQmEkeik/ n. Stomachache
monk /mQNk/ n.Monk
include /in'klu:d/ vt.include
including /in'klu:diN/ prep. including; including
single /'siNgl/ adj. single, single
magnificent /mAg'nifisnt/ adj. gorgeous , luxurious
cry out shout loudly
expression /iks'preFEn/ n. expression; words; expression
procession /prE'seFEn/ n. march ; team, queue
share /F/E/ vi.&vt. share; share
share in something share something (something)
pleasure / 'pleVEE/ n. Pleasure; joy
medal /'medl/ n. Medal; medal; commemorative medal
all night long all night long
majesty /'mAdVEisti / n. Sublime; dignity; monarch
Your Majesty (used when addressing directly)
undress /'Qn'dres/ vt. To take off clothes vi. To take off clothes
dress /dres/ vt. To dress...
perfect /'pE:fikt, 'pE:fekt/ adj. Excellent, perfect
perfectly /'pE:fiktli/ adv. perfectly, perfectly
stand by
have nothing on nothing on, naked
stand by
Good heavens! Oh my god!
whisper /'wispE/ vi. whisper, whisper
hold one's head high; arrogant
train /trein/ n. skirt
robe /rEub/ n. robe; top
invitation /invi'teiFEn/ n. invitation; invitation
cushion /'kuFEn/ n. soft cushion
pain /pein/ n.pain
painfully /'peinfuli/ adv. painfully
healthy /'helWi/ adj. healthy
lady /'leidi/ n.Ms.; Madam; Miss
silkworm /'silk-wE:m/ n.Silkworm
Lady Silkworm Silkworm Lady
remarry /'ri:'mAri/ vi. remarry; remarry; remarry
stepmother /'stepmQTE/ n. stepmother
cruel /'kruEl/ adj. cruel, cruel
riverside /'rivEsaid/ n.Riverside
face /feis/ vt. face; face up
pine /pain/ n. pine tree
entrance /'entrEns/ n. entrance; entry; entrance
branch /bra:ntF/ n. branch; tributary; department
aside /E'said/ adv. beside (to or towards)
push...aside push...to the side
brook /bruk/ n. small river, stream
bend /bend/ vt. bend vi. bend
wipe /waip/ vt. wipe, wipe
wipe off wipe off
sweat /swet/ n. sweat
in white wearing white clothes
row /rEu/ n. (one) row, (one) row
feed /fi:d/ vt. Feed (raise); feed (raise)
feed...to feed...to
worm /wE:m/ n. worm, worm
spit out spit out
cocoon /kE'ku:n/ n. cocoon
reel /ri:l/ vt. roll, wind; pull out
< p>dye /dai/ vt. dye, dye... with colormulberry /'mQlbEri/ n. mulberry; mulberry
colorful /'kQlEful/ adj. rich in color of
go by (time) past; passing
seed /si:d/ n. seed
fairy /'f/Eri/ n. fairy< /p>
line /lain/ vt. line up along... vi. line up
trail /treil/ n. trace; trail
umbrella /Qm'brelE/ n .umbrella
raise /'reiz/ vt. raise
charge /tFa:dVE/ n. supervisor vt. make responsible
in charge of
secret /'si:krit/ n. secret
princess /prin'ses/ n. princess
by chance
soften /'sRfn/ vt. to soften
merchant /'mE:tFEnt/ n.Businessman
Asia /'eiFE/ n.Asia
monk /mQNk/ n.Monk
cane /kein/ n.cane
development /di'velEpmEnt/ n.development
industry /'indEstri/ n.industrial
careless / 'k/Elis/ adj. careless
quality /'kwRliti/ n. quality
Newton /'nju:tn/ Newton (British scientist)
wine /wain/ n.wine
rein /rein/ n. reins
be lost in thought
Einstein /'ainstain/ Einstein
p>realize /'riElaiz/ vt. realize
soak /sEuk/ vt. soak; get wet
across /E'krRs/ prep. across, run across
run across
dragon /'drAgEn/ n.龙
wind /wind, waind/ vt. make a curve forward vi. meander
wind one's way meandering forward
till /til/ prep.&conj. until
wonder /'wQndE/ n.miracle, wonder
period /'piEriEd/ n. Period; era; period
B.C. /'bi: si:/ BC=before Christ
defend /di'fend/ vt. defend
border /'bR:dE/ n. edge; border
kingdom /'kiNdEm/ n. kingdom
keep...out of.. . prevent... from entering...
join /dVERin/ vt.&vi.Connect; join
join up to connect
thus /TQs/ adv. Like this; thus
come into being (things) formed, produced
rebuild /'ri:'bild/ vt. Reconstruction; transformation
especially / is'peFEli/ adv. special, especially
dynasty /'dinEsti/ n. dynasty; dynasty
the Ming Dynasty Ming Dynasty
actually /'AktjuEli/ adv. Actually
side by side side by side
gateway /'geitwei/ n. doorway, entrance; pass
connect /kE'nekt/ vt .&vi.Connect, communicate
main /mein/ adj. main n. main part
watchtower /'wRtFtauE/ n. watchtower, peak fire tower
used to /ju:st tEu/ used to often
keep watch watch; be on duty; watch out
light /lait/ vt. light; illuminate vi. light
column /'kRlEm/ n. column, column
gunshot /'gQn-FRt/ n. single shot of artillery
troop /tru:p/ n. Army, troop; a group
/FRt/ n. Launch; shooting sound
warning message alarm
within /wi'Tin/ prep.in...
distant /'distEnt / adj. Far; sparse
by hand
earth /E:W/ n. soil, mud
brick /brik/ n. brick; brick
from hand to hand from one person's hand to another's hand
drag /drAg/ vt.&vi. pull, drag
shoulder / 'FEuldE/ n. shoulder
living conditions living conditions
bury /'beri/ vt. burial
flesh /fleF/ n.flesh; flesh
p>grassland /'gra:slAnd/ n. pasture; grassland; grassland
take on a new look to present a new look
a place of interest
saying /'seiiN/ n. words; proverbs; proverbs
bet /bet/ n. bet
pity /'piti/ n. a pity
What a pity! What a pity!
craftsman /'kra:ftsmEn/ n. Craftsman; famous craftsman
scenery /'si:nEri/ n. Landscape, scenery
crow /krEu/ n .&vi.(rooster) crow
pavilion /pE'viljEn/ n. pavilion
roof /ru:f/ n.top; roof
bamboo /bAm'bu:/ n. bamboo
pole /pEul/ n. pole; column
flat /flAt/ adj. flat
tailor /' teilE/ n. Tailor
wander /'wRndE/ vi. Wandering; wandering vt. Wandering
sight /sait/ n. Vision; vision; see
catch sight of see; discover
suit /sju:t/ n. a set of clothes
throw off hastily take off; get rid of; throw away
note /nEut/ n. Banknotes, paper money; notes
resist /ri'zist/ vt.&vi. Resistance; resistance
temptation /temp'teiFEn/ n. Temptation; temptation
fellow /'felEu/ n. (colloquial) person; guy
up and down up and down; front and back
rag /rAg/ n. rag; rag
in rags wearing rags
reject /ri'dVEekt/ vt. discard; reject
look through carefully
select /si'lekt/ vt.&vi.Select; select
anxious /'ANkFEs/ adj. eager; anxious
shyly /'Faili/ adv. shy cowardly
change /tFeindVE/ n. change; change vt. exchange
coldly /'kEuldli/ adv. coldly; ruthlessly
gentleman /'dVEentlmEn/ n.gentleman
hurt /hE:t/ vt.hurt
<p>judge /dVEQdVE/ vt. /p>
contrary /'kRntrEri/ n. Opposite; opposite; opposite
on the contrary On the contrary
dumbfound /dQm'faund/ vt. Make (people) stunned
Tod /tRd/ Todd (male name)
bill /bil/ n. Bill; (US) banknote
whistle /'wisl/ n .Whistle vi. Whistle
dive /daiv/ vi.&n.Dive; dive
make a dive for to rush towards...; rush to get.
clothing /'klEuTiN/ n. (general name) clothes; clothing
snatch /snAtF/ vt.&vi. seize; seize
excitedly /ik'saitidli/ adv .Excitingly; excitedly
as if, as if, as if
millionaire /miljE'n/E/ n.Millionaire
be after looking for; seek
favor /'feivE/ n. goodwill; help; favor
do someone a favor do someone a favor
very /'veri/ adj. just right
waistcoat /'weiskEut/ n. vest, vest
express /iks'pres/ vt. expression; expression
satisfaction /sAtis'fAkFEn/ n. Satisfaction; satisfaction
measure /'meVEE/ n. Measurement; size vi. Quantity
get in a word interrupt
sort /sR:t/ n. Type; category
all sorts of all kinds
all one's life lifelong, lifetime
address /E'dres/ n. address, Communications office
hotel /hEu'tel/ n. hotel
drop in drop in drop in
show somebody out lead someone out (come in)
anyway /'eniwei/ adv. No matter what
pollute /pE'lju:t/ vt. soil, pollute
pollution /pE'lu:FEn/ n. pollution
population /pRpju'leiFEn/ n. population, number of people
increase /in'kri:s, 'inkri:s/ vi.&vt. increase; growth
support /sE'pR:t/ vt. support; support; maintain
agriculture /'AgrikQltFE/ n. agriculture; agronomy
industry /'indEstri/ n. industry , industry
develop /di'velEp/ vt.&vi. development; development
development /di'velEpmEnt/ n. development; development
waste /weist / n. Waste (matter); waste material; garbage
produce /prE'dju:s, 'prRdju:s/ vt.&vi. produce; produce
harm /ha:m/ n.&vi.harm; damage
do harm to harm..., harm...
harmful /'ha:mful/ adj .harmless
harmless /'ha:mlis/ adj.harmless
soil /sRil/ n. soil; land
absorb /Eb'sR :b/ vt. Absorb (water, etc.); attract
poison /'pRizn/ n.Poison; poison; poison
poisonous /'pRiznEs/ adj. Toxic; harmful
fertilizer /'fE:tilaizE/ n.Fertilizer
spray /sprei/ vt.&vi.Spray to...; spray
pest /pest/ n. Pests; harmful things
health /helW/ n.Health; hygiene
die from die from..., die from...
mad /mAd/ adj. crazy; crazy
drive somebody mad to make someone crazy
airport /'/EpR:t/ n.airport; airport
jet /dVEet/ n.Jet; jet engine
overhead /'EuvE'hed, 'EuvEhed/ adv.over the head; in the air
hearing /' hiEriN/ n. Listen; hearing
such as for example
iron /'aiEn/ n. Iron; iron products
rot /rRt/ vi.&vt. (make) rot
rot away, rot, rot
plastics /'plAstiks/ n. Plastic; plastic products
give off (steam, light, etc.) )
fortunately /'fR:tFEnitli/ adv.fortunately; fortunately
realize /'riElaiz/ vt.realize; realize
prevent /pri' vent/ vt.&vi.Prevent; prevent
prevent...from... prevent...
natural /'nAtFErEl/ adj. natural, natural
material /mE'tiEriEl/ n. raw material; material
scarce /sk/Es/ adj. lack, insufficient
recycle /'ri:'saikl/ vt. (to) recycle
recycling /'ri:'saikliN/ n. recycling
steel /'sti:l/ n.steel
save /seiv/ vt. Savings; storage; saving
a number of many, several
flow /flEu/ vi. flow, flow
dangerous /' deindVErEs/ adj. Dangerous
battle /'bAtl/ n.Battle; battle; battle
Kay /kei/ 凯 (surname)
suburb /' sQbE:b/ n. Suburbs
area /'/EriE/ n. Region
woodland /'wudlEnd/ n. Forest area
log /lRg/ n. wood
refreshing /ri'freFiN/ adj. refreshing
get used to accustomed to
ce /'sailEns/ n. Silence, silence
owl /aul/ n. Owl
screech /skri:tF/ vi. Scream
footprint /'futprint/ n. Footprints, footprints
boat /bEut/ n. Small boat; boat; small steamer
Crusoe /'kru:sou/ Crusoe (surname)< /p>
mark /ma:k/ n. Trace; mark; trademark
terrify /'terifai/ vt. Terror; intimidation
lonely /'lEunli/ adj .lonely; desolate
island /'ailEnd/ n. island; island
savage /'sAvidVE/ n. savage adj. savage
stare /st/E/ vi.&vt. stare, stare
stare at stare at
from time to time from time to time
cave /keiv/ n. Cave, cave; cave
after a time passed a period of time
footmark /'futma:k/ n. footprints, footprints
fence /fens / n. Fence; fence
outward /'autwEd/ adv. outward
safe /seif/ adj. safe; safe
rock /rRk / n. Rock; big stone
narrow /'nArEu/ adj. narrow
step /step/ vi.&vt. walk n. steps
glare /gl/E/ vi. shine; glare
glare at glare at people; stare angrily
dark /da:k/ adj. dark
darkness /'da:knis/ n.Darkness
daylight /'deilait/ n.Daylight; daytime; dawn
stick /stik/ n. twig; stick; stick
roll /rEul/ vi. roll; roll
roll over R
about /E'baut/ prep. around...
hiding-place /'haidiNpleis/ n. hiding place; storage place
altogether /R:ltE'geTE/ adv.complete; total***
powder /'paudE/ n .Powder; powder
gun-powder /'gQnpaudE/ n.Gunpowder
candle /'kAndl/ n.Candle
gather /'gATE/ vt. gather; collect
lookout /'luk'aut/ n. watch; alert
shore /FR:/ n. shore; shore
canoe /kE' nu:/ n. Canoe
make one's way to overcome difficulties and move forward
out of sight invisible
ash /AF/ n. Ash; ashes, ashes Heap
bone /bEun/ n.bone; bone
human being /'hjumEn 'bi:iN/ people
float /flEut/ vt.&vi. (to make) float
chop /tFRp/ vt.&vi. chop, fell
proud /praud/ adj. proud; proud
channel /' tf
/ n. Waterway, ditch
tide /taid/ n. Tide; tide
uncover /Qn'kQvE/ vt.&vi. Uncover the cover of...
tiny /'taini/ adj. extremely small; tiny
tear /tiE, t/E/ vt. tear apart, tear
be torn open be torn open open
tender /'tendE/ adj. tender; fragile
gently /'dVEentli/ adv. gently; softly
help out to help overcome Difficult
pale /peil/ adj. pale, ashen
lucky /'lQki/ adj. lucky, lucky
visitor /'vizitE/ n. Visitor; visitor
hind /haind/ adj. behind, rear
lay /lei/ vt. put, put; lay (egg)
full-time /'ful'taim/ adj. full-time
tens of thousands
tongue /tQN/ n. tongue; language; spoken language
p>respect /ris'pekt/ vt.&n.respect; respect
extra /'ekstrE/ adv. particularly, very
powerful /'pauEful/ adj. Powerful, powerful
jaw /dVER:/ n. Jaw, chin, chin
act as; act as
tunnel /'tQnl/ n. Tunnel; tunnel; tunnel
fond /fRnd/ adj. Favorite; hobby
be fond of like; hobby
sweet /swi:t/ adj. .Sweet
milk /milk/ vt.&vi. Milk; milk
bug /bQg/ n. Bedbug; (American) bug
ant cow aphid, ant cow
sap /sAp/ n. sap
strike /straik/ vt.&vi. hit; strike
foreleg /'fR: leg/ n. (anterior) front legs
feeler /'fi:lE/ n. tentacles
presently /'prezEntli/ adv. a while, soon
< p>honeydew /'hQnidju:/ n. Sweet juice; honeydewhoneydew milk