Trademark registration in Shangrao City will not go through the local industrial and commercial department, but will be handled directly by the National Trademark Office and its affiliated filing agencies
Trademark registration process and fees,
It is recommended to contact a regular trademark agency for trademark registration, which can save worry, effort and efficiency. Leave professional matters to professionals.
Currently, individuals and companies can register and apply for trademarks. Individuals only need to provide A self-employed business license and a copy of the ID card are required to be signed. The company only needs to provide a copy of the business license and a seal. The current trademark registration fee includes an official fee of 300 yuan and an agency service fee. The fees for each trademark agency are different
The official charging standard of the Trademark Office is 300 yuan/category/standard. That is to say, if you only register a category, the Trademark Office will charge 300 yuan. That is, if you choose a trademark name or pattern and submit it to the Beijing Trademark Office yourself, the fee will be 300 yuan. If you entrust a trademark agency to handle it, the process is relatively simple, and the agency will sort it all out, which is a way to save worry and effort. It is very important to conduct a trademark search before trademark registration. This is an important key to trademark registration.