What should I pay attention to when transferring trademarks?
Answer 1. Where a registered trademark is assigned, the trademark registrant shall assign the same or similar trademark registered on the same or similar goods. 2. One month after the application for transfer is submitted, the Trademark Office will send the Notice of Acceptance to the transferee according to the address filled in the application, and send a copy of the Notice of Acceptance to the registrant according to the address recorded by the Trademark Office. 3. If the transfer application does not meet the statutory requirements, the Trademark Office will notify the applicant in writing by post to make corrections within a time limit according to the address filled in the application. 4. After the transfer application is approved, the Trademark Office will mail the transfer certificate to the transferee according to the address filled in the application, and make an announcement on the transfer of the trademark. The date of signature on the certificate is the date of announcement, and the transferee enjoys the exclusive right to use the trademark from that date. 5. If the application for transfer cannot be approved for other reasons, the Trademark Office will notify the applicant in writing by post according to the address filled in the application. 6. If the transferee in the transfer application is owned by more than one person, the relevant notice or certificate of the Trademark Office will only be sent to the representative. Other * * * people who need proof shall apply for a replacement. 7. If the applicant entrusts a trademark agency to handle the transfer application, the Trademark Office will not have any direct contact with the applicant, and all documents will be sent to the trademark agency. 8. The category of application shall be filled in according to the international classification approved by the Trademark Registration Certificate. trademark transfer