As we all know, trademark registration can be divided into multiple stages: formal examination, substantive examination, announcement, and certification. When an enterprise encounters rejection, revocation, invalidation, etc. after successful registration, from this perspective it can be divided into: registration stage, review stage, use stage, etc. Today, the editor of the website will take you to understand the time of the formal review stage, that is, the time analysis of TM trademark registration.
What is the Tm trademark?
tm is actually an abbreviation. The full name is: TradeMark (registered trademark). Use the capital "TM" to indicate a trademark that has been submitted for registration but has not yet been certified. The corresponding one is: R mark. It is the abbreviation of REGISTER (registration, registration). This means that the trademark rights have been obtained. In other countries such as the United States, tm means a registered trademark. The Tm trademark is not a standard name, but a common name used to let trademark applicants understand the trademark registration process and time.
Tm trademark registration time
A notice of acceptance will be issued approximately one month after the trademark registration materials are submitted. At this time, it is equivalent to obtaining the tm trademark, which can be found on the upper right The corner is marked with "TM". It should be noted that although the acceptance notice has been issued, it is still very early to obtain the trademark rights. Whether the certificate can be issued is still a matter of time. You should always pay attention to the results of your application notifications.
Now the one-month time has been shortened a lot. Before 2018, it was normal for the issuance of the acceptance notice to take more than 3 months, or even as long as half a year. At the two sessions in 2018, Director of Industry and Commerce Zhang Mao promised reporters that the trademark registration time would be shortened. At the end of last year, it was basically guaranteed that the issuance time of the tm trademark could be controlled to about one month.
The Tm trademark must be used correctly
As mentioned above, the tm trademark does not mean that the trademark right has been obtained. If the certificate has not been issued, it will be widely promoted, printed and packaged, etc. Failure to obtain the certificate is very harmful to users. The editor of generally informs users that they can use it during this stage, but not to promote it on a large scale.
However, companies should also pay attention, not only to the TM trademark, but also to the R trademark. Enterprises want to make their brands and trademarks well-known. These basic trademark registrations and trademark ownership must be done well. Before the market moves, trademarks must be first. The editor here reminds all enterprises that if they do not have a trademark yet, they must It’s early, you can enter our website to select trademarks~