LOGO is the foreign language abbreviation of logo or trademark. Generally, companies will use logo to show the connotation of the company when promoting.
1. Meaning, carrying the intangible assets of the enterprise, is the medium for the enterprise's comprehensive information transmission.
2. Function: an excellent logo has a distinctive personality, visual impact, easy identification, guidance, and the function of promoting consumption and creating good associations.
3. Design principles, logo design should focus on being concise and clear, full of appeal, clear image and easy to recognize and remember.
LOGO" represents the standard of a certain brand or company.
It means (a certain company or institution's) logo, mark, logo; the full name is "LOGOtype". It plays a role in the ownership of the logo. The role of company identification and promotion is that consumers can remember the company and brand culture through the image of the logo. What does the logo on the Internet mean? The logo on the Internet is mainly the graphic mark used by each website to link to other websites. , represents a website or a section of a website.