Clothing refers to clothes, shoes, bags, toys and ornaments, and more refers to clothes. Clothing appeared in the early stage of the development of human society, and ancient people made rough "clothes" with all kinds of materials they could find around them to protect themselves. The earliest clothes of mankind were made of animal skins, and the earliest "fabric" that wrapped the body was made of hemp fiber and grass.
Clothing can protect the human body and maintain the thermal balance of the human body to adapt to the influence of climate change. Clothing should make people feel comfortable when wearing, and the factors that affect comfort are mainly fiber properties, aesthetic specifications, fabric structure, thickness and sewing technology.
At first, clothing was mainly to hide shame. After the development of time, people pay more attention to the aesthetics of clothing after turning to functionality (practicality) to satisfy people's enjoyment of spiritual beauty. The main factors affecting the appearance are the texture, color, pattern, fabric structure, shape retention, drape, elasticity, wrinkle resistance and clothing style of textiles.