1. Opening ceremony
Ceremony: May the whole family be safe.
Thank god.
Ceremony: May the Lord be with you.
Everyone: It's up to you.
Ceremony: Please pray: Our Heavenly Father, Almighty and Eternal God, please listen to our prayer: Send your holy angel to guard, care for and bless the people living in this new house, and make their family life safe and happy. The above requirements are based on our Lord Christ.
All: amen.
Read the bible
You can choose one of the following readings. Reading scripture is selected from Scofield Bible)
(1) Reading St. Dou Fuyin (8: 14- 17)
Jesus came to Peter's house and saw Peter's mother-in-law lying down with a fever. He touched her hand and the fever went away. She got up to wait on him. At night, people sent him many enchanted people, and he expelled the evil spirits in one word; Cured all the patients. In this way, what the prophet Isaiah said came true: "He inherited our weaknesses and diseases."
(2) Reading the Gospel of St. Luke (19: 1-9)
When Jesus entered Jericho, there was a man named Zacchaeus, a tax collector and a rich man. He wanted to see who Jesus was; But because there are many people, he can't see it because he is short. So he ran forward and climbed a wild mulberry tree to see Jesus, because Jesus was going to pass by. When Jesus got to the place, he looked up and said to him, "Zach, come down quickly!" " Because I have to stay at your house today. "He hurried down and rejoiced to keep Jesus. When everyone saw it, they all whispered, "He has gone with the guilty people. Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, Lord, behold, I give half my wealth to the poor. "If I cheat someone, I will pay four times the price." Jesus said to him, "salvation has come to this house today, because he is also a son of Abraham."
(3) Reading the Gospel of Luke (10: 38-42)
While they were walking, Jesus entered a village. A woman named Martha took Jesus home. She has a sister named Maria, who sits at the Lord's feet and listens to his sermon. Martha was busy serving Jesus. She came forward and said, "Lord! Do you mind if my sister lets me serve alone? Ask her to help me! " The Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha! You are busy with many things, but you only need one thing. Maria chose a better one and can't take it away from her. " You can give a short sermon after reading the Bible. )
(Chant 23 says God is my shepherd or Chant 9 1 says God is the protector of the righteous. Or sing a proper hymn. )
Let's all pray to the Lord our God to bless this family and protect them from all kinds of disasters. We prayed in unison.
Answer: Please listen to us.
Pray that the Lord will give them the spirit of love, love each other forever and keep the harmony of family life. We prayed in unison.
A: (ditto)
Pray for God to set a good example of their life of faith to attract others to know and believe in God. We prayed in unison.
A: (ditto)
Pray for the Lord to sanctify and bless their daily work so that they can get proper remuneration. We prayed in unison.
A: (ditto)
Pray that the Lord will always stay in this house, support them and comfort them when they are in pain and trouble, so that they will never lose heart. We prayed in unison.
A: (ditto)
Ceremony: Please pray: Lord Jesus Christ, you have entered Zakai's home and given him abundant salvation. Please come to this new home in person, bring peace, happiness and redemption to this family, and reward them to live a good Christian life in this life, and meet in the eternal home of heaven in the next life to enjoy eternal happiness with you. You are God, the king forever.
A: Amen.
Step 5 sing
(Chant 127 Believe in God's care or chant 128 Family happiness. Or sing a proper hymn. )
6. Blessing ceremony
(1) The whole house
(Excerpted from the old Canon)
Ritual: Our salvation comes from God.
People: He created heaven and earth.
Ceremony: May the Lord be with you.
Everyone: It's up to you.
Ceremony: Please pray: Lord, Almighty God, this house: so that people who live here can enjoy health, keep chastity, overcome sins, have the virtues of humility, charity and gentleness, keep the commandments, and always thank God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. May your blessing be with this house and all those who live here now and in the future. The above requirements are based on our Lord Christ.
All: amen.
If possible, the ceremony will sprinkle holy water around the whole house, or around the hall where the ceremony is held. You can choose to pray for the following parts of the house according to the situation. After each blessing, you will sprinkle holy water on the blessed things and then sing appropriate hymns. )
(2) door
Ceremony: May the Lord be with you.
Everyone: It's up to you.
Ceremony: Please pray: merciful father, you have opened the door of our hometown through the birth of your son Christ. The door of this house prevents people who are harmful to the family from entering, but people who come in good faith or ask for help are always welcome. The above requirements are based on our Lord Christ.
All: amen.
(3) Cross
Ceremony: May the Lord be with you.
Everyone: It's up to you.
Ceremony: Please pray: Almighty and eternal God, your son was crucified for loving us; This cross gives comfort and strength to those who pray before it. May this cross strengthen their faith and enable them to overcome all kinds of difficulties in life. The above requirements are based on our Lord Christ.
All: amen.
(4) Family Bible
Ceremony: May the Lord be with you.
Everyone: It's up to you.
Ceremony: Please pray: Lord Jesus Christ, you promised that those who seek the Bible will have eternal life; This scripture was written by the revelation of the holy spirit; Therefore, we can better understand and love you by reading the Bible frequently, and please practice the lessons of your gospel in our daily life. You are God, the king forever.
All: amen.
(5) Living room
Ceremony: May the Lord be with you.
Everyone: It's up to you.
Ceremony: Please pray: Lord, Almighty God, you created man and asked us to live in a family and eat and drink together; This hall for family reunion and reception of relatives and friends makes all the people reunited here feel comfortable, safe and happy. And make them yearn for heaven, where they will always be with their heavenly father. The above requirements are based on our Lord Christ.
All: amen.
(6) Kitchen
Ceremony: May the Lord be with you.
Everyone: It's up to you.
Ceremony: Please pray: Almighty God, you created us, gave us soul and body, and gave us spiritual and material food. This kitchen not only allows it to prepare material food for people, but also awakens people's thirst for spiritual food to thank you for all the benefits you have given people. The above requirements are based on our Lord Christ.
All: amen.
(7) Dining room
Ceremony: May the Lord be with you.
Everyone: It's up to you.
Ceremony: please pray: merciful father, you sent down magic from heaven to raise voters wandering in the wilderness; This restaurant gives the family enough daily food, so that they can drink water at any time, think of their own sources and generously help those who endure hunger. The above requirements depend on our Lord Christ.
All: amen.
(8) Research
Ceremony: May the Lord be with you.
Everyone: It's up to you.
Ceremony: Please pray: God of infinite wisdom, you are the source of all knowledge; This study makes people who study and write here know you better, and they can bravely witness your truth and the gospel of heaven with their words and deeds. The above requirements are based on our Lord Christ.
All: amen.
(9) Studio
Ceremony: May the Lord be with you.
Everyone: It's up to you.
Ceremony: Please pray: The God who created the universe, following the example of the Son Jesus and Yue Se, teaches the sanctity of labor; This workshop and all the tools. Let the people who work here, through labor and sweat, give full play to your creativity and get a hundredfold return from heaven. The above requirements are based on our Lord Christ.
All: amen.
(10) parents' room
(or the newlyweds' new house)
Ceremony: May the Lord be with you.
Everyone: It's up to you.
Ceremony: please pray: Lord Christ, you have established the marriage sacrament, so that husband and wife can share the holy love life of God's Trinity and God's ability to create life; This new house enables the couple who live here to love each other forever, live in peace and be loyal to each other until death do us part. You are God, the king forever.
All: amen.
(1 1) Children's Room
Ceremony: May the Lord be with you.
Everyone: It's up to you.
Ceremony: Please pray: Lord Christ, you love children, let them come near you, accept your blessing and experience your love; This room makes the children of this family get your kind care here, avoid being defiled by evil when they grow up, and learn the virtues of generosity, modesty, obedience, courtesy and friendliness by following your example in Nazareth.