Short-sleeved shirts belong to Group 2501, Category 25 of the Trademark Classification;
According to statistics from, there are 20,599 registered trademarks for short-sleeved shirts.
How to choose other minor categories when registering:
1. There are 17,026 trademarks selected for registration (shirt, group number: 2501), with a registration ratio of 82.65
p>2. Choose to register (T-shirt, group number: 2501) There are 15,222 trademarks in the category, with a registration ratio of 73.9
3. Choose to register (skirt, group number: 2501 There are 13,328 trademarks in the (dress, group number: 2501) category, with a registration ratio of 64.7
4. There are 12,448 trademarks in the (dress, group number: 2501) category, with a registration ratio of 60.43
5. There are 11,861 trademarks selected for registration in the (coat, group number: 2501) category, with a registration ratio of 57.58
6. Selected registration of trademarks in the (underwear, group number: 2501) category There are 11,600 trademarks, with a registration ratio of 56.31
7. There are 11,358 trademarks selected for registration (hat, group number: 2508), with a registration ratio of 55.14
8. There are 11,037 trademarks selected for registration in the (sports shoes, group number: 2507) category, with a registration ratio of 53.58
9. There are 11,002 trademarks selected for registration (vest, group number: 2501) , the registration ratio reached 53.41
10. There are 10,680 trademarks selected for registration (sandals, group number: 2507), and the registration ratio reached 51.85