Clothing belongs to the 25th category among the 45 categories of trademarks, specifically clothing. So, did you know that there are many sub-categories under the 25 categories?
The sub-categories in the 25th category can also be subdivided into: women's clothing, men's clothing, shoes, hats, socks, gloves, scarves, belts, etc. Therefore, if you want to apply for a trademark in the category of clothing, you first need to make sure that your clothing belongs to the 25th category among the 45 categories.
All the trademark subcategories it contains are as follows:
2501 Clothing
2502 Baby textile products
2503 Special sportswear
2504 Impermeable Clothing
2505 Costumes
2506 Special Shoes
2507 Shoes
2508 Hat
2509 socks
2510 gloves (excluding special gloves)
2511 ties, scarves, shawls, veils
2512 belts, clothing belts
2513 Single Product
Therefore, everyone must be cautious when registering a trademark. It is best to understand the sub-categories under your trademark category in advance. For example, if you are planning to register clothing Trademarks also include hats, socks, gloves, scarves and other items. When you apply, you must pay special attention to whether the major category of the trademark you are applying for registration includes the following subcategories. If not, for example, socks , the sub-category of scarves is not included in the category of your registered trademark, then you cannot use this trademark to sell socks and scarves.
Is there any other categories you would like to know about? You can leave a message.