What is the trademark registration number?
The trademark registration number is the number in the upper right corner of the trademark registration certificate. The registration number is the number filed with the Trademark Office of the State Administration of Administration. It is generally generated after trademark registration. A trademark has only one trademark registration number. After successful registration, it is a unified number for the trademark identity.
Trademark registration is the prerequisite and condition for a trademark user to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark. Only trademarks that have been approved and registered are protected by law. The principles of trademark registration are the basic criteria for determining the exclusive right to use trademarks. The choice of different registration principles is the result of the legislators of various countries weighing the relationship between legal certainty and legal fairness in this issue.
What is a filing tag?
This label registration number is issued by the import port, which is what we commonly call the js number. However, the current customs policy has changed. Not all products will be issued with a js number. This also has something to do with different ports. .
The trademark licensing contract filing system is a legal term, which refers to: According to Article 43, paragraph 3, of the Trademark Law, after signing a trademark licensing contract, it must be filed with the Trademark Office within the statutory period. The Trademark Office publishes the trademark license contract filing announcement in the Trademark Announcement.