Currently, there is no category for end products such as inverters in the trademark classification. I can only help you find some categories related to inverters, which are all in the 09 category. I hope this will be helpful to you. It’s a registered trademark, and I’ll learn from the classification they chose! 0910 090267 High frequency instrument
0910 090268 Frequency meter
0910 090304 Sensor (electrical)
0910 090336 Pressure gauge
0910 090410 Pressure indicator
0913 090310 Inverter (electricity)
0913 090054 Distribution box (electricity)
0913 090197 Distribution panel (electricity)
0913 090198 Distribution console (electricity)
0913 c090097 Sensor
0913 090150 Electric regulating equipment
0913 c090104 High and low voltage switch board
0914 c090108 High-voltage explosion-proof power distribution device I hope I can give you a satisfactory answer. Hehe